Liberals use fake metrics to define extreme ideology


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Liberals use fake metrics to define extreme ideology

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“No Democrats have ever marched on the Capitol, chanting to kill a fellow member for actually following the law.”

This statement was made by a good friend of mine, who has worked in politics and media, during a recent discussion about party extremes. What immediately came to my mind was Nicholas John Roske, who, according to court documents, “came from California to kill a specific United States Supreme Court justice” in June 2022. He was arrested outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh‘s home in Maryland, armed with a Glock 17 pistol, ammunition, a knife, zip ties, pepper spray, duct tape, and other items.


Whether it’s a group or a single person, intolerance has the capacity to fuel extremes, regardless of ideology. While Jan. 6, 2021, is the shiny event to compare ideological extremism, the reality is Democrats helped plant the seeds of election denial and government weaponization in 2016 with the now-discredited Russian collusion story. And now, we see it play out again with Hunter Biden’s laptop story and business dealings.

This failure of self-reflection is causing left-leaning independents such as myself to reconsider the Democratic ticket. Movements such as Black Lives Matter, “defund the police,” #MeToo, and climate change activism have been hijacked by leftist extremists and adopted into failed policies in the forms of DEI, ESG, gender-affirming care for children, criminal justice reform, and sanctuary cities. The backlash and negative consequences of extreme leftism have been severe and measurable.

Blue-state city leaders in San Francisco, Portland, and Washington are dealing with soaring homelessness and crime. New York City is dealing with an immigration crisis of its own making after it decided to spend millions sheltering immigrants. Companies that wasted money on diversity czars have seen their customers boycott their brands and their employees speak out against “implicit bias” training. State-to-state migration trends show people moving away from liberal cities to Nebraska, New Hampshire, and South Dakota, the best places to look for a job. Florida and Texas have also seen a population boom as homeowners and families seek lower taxes, better jobs, and more safety.


Social justice may sound like a good vision for America, but once adopted by the extreme Left, it gets turned into catastrophic policies that have real consequences. We’ve seen this ideology corrupt campus free speech and artistic freedom and fuel cancel culture. We see the erasure of women as transgender rights become a cover for misogyny wrapped in a rainbow flag. Is it any wonder Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who told a radio station he is thinking of running as an independent on Thursday, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) have turned away from their party? People vote with their feet, and all real metrics point to voters fleeing states that prioritize social justice agendas over security and economic opportunity.

While liberals waste their time pointing to Jan. 6 as the metric of which “side” is more extreme, they fail to look at what their own ideology has done to the very people they claim to care about — in the process, losing credibility with independents, women, and minorities.

Joana Suleiman is the production editor of the Washington Examiner magazine.

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