Biden family business model confirmed


Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden attends Maisy Biden’s graduation, along with President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the University of Pennsylvania at Franklin Field on May 15, 2023. (Ouzounova/

Biden family business model confirmed

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Whether or not President Joe Biden actually changed U.S. policy at the behest of any of Hunter Biden’s foreign clients remains unclear.

But what is now indisputable after Hunter Biden’s business partner spoke to Congress on Monday is that Joe Biden actively participated in Hunter Biden’s efforts to cash in on his father’s proximity to power as the vice president of the United States and that Hunter Biden and the Biden family profited handsomely as a result.


For years, Joe Biden and the White House have claimed that Joe Biden “never discussed” and had “never spoken to” Hunter Biden about his business dealings. After Monday, those claims have been proved definitively false. Now, the White House has switched to the claim that Joe Biden “was never in business with his son.”

And that new White House position is most likely true, sort of. There never was any formal contract binding Joe Biden and Hunter Biden into a business agreement. But one does not have to be in a contractual relationship with another person to help the other’s business out, especially when that business is entirely predicated on one person simply having a relationship with another person.

Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer told Congress on Monday that Joe Biden called Hunter Biden about 20 times over a decade while Hunter Biden was meeting with foreign business associates from countries. Biden also reportedly attended in-person business meetings with Hunter Biden’s business partners from China and Russia. The purpose of these phone calls and in-person appearances by Joe Biden was, according to Archer, to sell “the brand” to the foreign nationals.

These phone calls and personal meetings were not random family check-ins. There is no resource more valuable in Washington than time on a principal’s schedule. Even family time is carefully planned, and only a fool would think that Biden’s time given to Hunter Biden just happened accidentally to coincide with the instances Hunter Biden needed to build “the brand” for his influence-peddling business.

And Hunter Biden raked in millions selling that Biden “brand” to foreign nationals in Ukraine, Russia, China, and Romania. According to financial documents obtained by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), those millions were then shared widely throughout the Biden family through numerous shell companies. Influence peddling was clearly the Biden family business when Biden was vice president, and the business was a wild success.

These facts paint an extremely troubling picture for Biden, which is why he repeatedly lied about the extent of Hunter Biden’s “brand” profiteering throughout the campaign. “My son has not made money in terms of China,” Biden claimed during the second presidential debate. We now know this is false. Hunter Biden testified in federal court that not only did he take millions from Chinese nationals when his father was vice president, but he then failed to pay any income taxes on the windfall.


Democrats such as Reps. Dan Goldman (D-NY) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) have been reduced to arguing that while Biden did talk with Hunter Biden’s foreign paymasters, the conversations were only casual and no business was discussed. But no business needed to be discussed on those calls for them to have been of value to Hunter Biden. Just getting Joe Biden on the phone was all that was needed to show them that Hunter Biden had pull with the vice president.

More investigation is clearly warranted to see if Hunter Biden ever asked his father for any official favors. But even if he never did, it is already abundantly clear that Hunter Biden was capitalizing on his father’s government position and that, instead of telling him to stop, Joe Biden actively facilitated that business enterprise by participating in over a dozen phone calls with his son’s clients. Joe Biden has clearly lied about the nature of his dealings with Hunter Biden in the past, and he should be held politically accountable for those lies.

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