Democrats are entirely responsible for ‘climate anxiety’


Harris NAACP
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the 114th National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s national convention, Saturday, July 29, 2023, in Boston. (AP Photo/Reba Saldanha) Reba Saldanha/AP

Democrats are entirely responsible for ‘climate anxiety’

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The Democratic Party’s climate cult is trying to scare children into thinking the world is ending and then citing the fears that it has incited as proof that something must be done.

Vice President Kamala Harris asserted that in her travels across the country, she has been meeting with “our young leaders” who are concerned with “the climate crisis” and introduced her to the term “climate anxiety.” According to Harris, “they are concerned about their future in almost a doomsday fear about what might be within a couple of decades of now. They’re concerned about whether they should have children, whether they should even try to buy a home.”


Ignoring for a second that Harris is likely not talking to normal everyday young people but young activists (“our young leaders”), this isn’t exactly a surprise. Democrats and their media allies have been fearmongering about climate change for decades in order to get political power. Is it any surprise that impressionable young people would then become brainwashed into “climate anxiety?”

These are not exaggerations, either. Climate doomsaying has gripped the Democratic Party for decades. Al Gore, the Democratic nominee for president in 2000, said in 2008 that the North Pole would be ice-free in five years. John Kerry, the Democratic nominee in 2004 who now serves as President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, said the same thing in 2009. More recently, wunderkind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said the world would be destroyed by 2031 if we “don’t address climate change.”

The effects of this rhetoric and the constantly wrong predictions that are used to push unrelated economic programs (in Ocasio-Cortez’s case, the Green New Deal) have been clear. In 2019, the execrable Sunrise Movement that boasts of its youth activism for climate change brought children to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to regurgitate doomsday predictions for the terrible adults filling their heads with guarantees that they won’t live to their 30s because of climate change.


To the extent that “climate anxiety” exists, it is entirely driven by the regularly wrong doomsday predictions that Democrats, legacy media outlets, and “experts” constantly push. In that case, it is Harris and the administration which she is a part of that shares the blame. If we want to address “climate anxiety,” it starts and ends with figures such as Harris rejecting the doomsday rhetoric and climate lies that are being used to frighten impressionable young people into voting for Democrats.

Something tells me that, much like any of these climate change predictions, that won’t be happening any time soon.

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