Democrats embrace spreading misinformation when it comes to climate change


Climate Change
The 2015 Paris Agreement is a global pact to combat climate change under which all of the nations of the world voluntarily set their own nonbinding targets for reducing carbon emissions. DisobeyArt/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Democrats embrace spreading misinformation when it comes to climate change

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Based on many recent comments by Democratic politicians, one would think they have never experienced a heat wave or summer temperatures before. That’s the only logical conclusion after tweets by failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA).

They were among the horde of left-wingers who blamed climate change for recent heat waves throughout the country, despite no legitimate or credible evidence.


First, there was Hillary Clinton. The former senator and secretary of state blamed this summer’s hot temperatures on “MAGA Republican[s]” in a tweet last week. As mentioned above, she provided no evidence or science. She just made a baseless claim.

“Hot enough for you?” Clinton posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office.” She said this in a quote above a repost of data from the Center for American Progress Action Fund. It is an advocacy organization that describes itself as an “independent, nonpartisan policy institute,” but, in reality, it is a left-wing, agenda-driven interest group.

Of course, the so-called MAGA movement began in 2015. Using Clinton’s logic and hyperbolic hysteria, high temperatures in 2023 are because of events from the last eight years. In addition to conflicting with all the accepted “facts” of climate science, it is especially foolish given all the climate change precautions and protocols implemented worldwide since 2015. But Clinton’s post had over 12 million views, 35,000 likes, and nine thousand reposts. So, a lot of people believe this radical information.

Ted Lieu, the extreme left-wing congressman from California, went further than 2015 to cast his blame on climate change skeptics. However, he, too, used the “vote them out” message in Hillary’s post. Democrats must be following orders from their strategists at the Democratic National Committee with this coordinated propaganda and messaging campaign.

“Suffering from excessive heat? Blame a climate denier,” Lieu posted. “Climate deniers were wrong. Scientists were right. You have the power to vote out elected officials who refuse to deal with facts, and vote in officials who understand we are in a climate crisis.”

Again, Lieu provided no evidence or proof. None of these Democrats ever do. They just claim that it’s science and demand everyone believe them. They did the same thing during the pandemic, and we now know how accurate and truthful that “science” was. Democrats don’t have any evidence that this year’s temperatures are caused by science change.

There’s an extensive history of climate change alarmism, filled with numerous doomsday predictions that were horribly inaccurate. There’s also a lack of proof that any contemporary environmentalist precautions will produce their desired effects regarding temperatures.


Democrats talk a good game regarding the dangers associated with spreading misinformation. However, they never hold themselves to the standards they want to set for everyone else.

Democrats have repeatedly shown they embrace misinformation so long as it aligns with their political platforms and agenda. And there may not be any better example of this than the unproven alarmist rhetoric surrounding climate change.

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