Biden health rule taxes the young to subsidize the old


Medicaid Georgia
Dr. Reed Pitre, director of psychiatry and interim chief medical officer at Mercy Care clinic, left, speaks with a patient after her appointment on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Atlanta. Georgia is offering a new bargain to some adults without health insurance beginning Saturday: Go to work or school and the state will cover you. Enrolling people in the new program is a priority for Mercy Care, Pitre said, while noting that no one will qualify until a month after they establish compliance with the work requirement. (AP Photo/Alex Slitz) Alex Slitz/AP

Biden health rule taxes the young to subsidize the old

Democrats seem unable to bear the thought that Americans would want to use health insurance plans that the Biden administration doesn’t favor. President Biden this month proposed a new rule that would throw thousands of people off insurance rather than let them keep the plans they have chosen.

So much for former President Obama‘s claim , “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”


The proposed rule is sickening, figuratively and probably literally, too. It should not be allowed to take effect.

Biden says he is “cracking down on junk insurance” by limiting allowable options for some time-limited policies. What Biden’s nanny-bureaucrats call “junk” is insurance that 1.5 million people now, and 3 million since 2018, have chosen as the best option for their needs. These short-term health plans provide an attractive, less costly option, especially attractive to younger, healthier people.

They may not cover every “health benefit” the Biden commissars want to force us all to buy, but that should not be the government’s concern. If a person buying insurance is a 25-year-old man or a fit 50-year-old woman, why should they be forced to pay for coverage of, for example, reastfeeding equipment and birth control? Or for pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care, or for “rehabilitative services?”

Analysts say the short-term plans can save customers 50%-80% in monthly premium costs, or about $4,800 per year. There are plenty of young, healthy workers for whom that can make a huge difference, whether for making payments on a new home, avoiding debt, affording healthier eating habits, or whatever. Yet here Biden wants to deny them that option, all for health-insurance plans that contain features that customers decide they don’t need.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that while some people who hold short-term insurance would be moved to more expensive options, about 500,000 each year would become uninsured. Some people may lose the option to be covered because if their short-term plans expire mid-year due to Biden’s new rule, they will not be eligible to purchase an Obamacare plan until the next open enrollment period.

When former President Trump expanded availability of short-term insurance, the result was good not just for the customers but for the whole system. Healthcare inflation slowed dramatically.

Biden thinks the government must protect people from their own decisions, even if it costs them a lot of extra money. In his view, individual choice is a bad thing and central planners know best and should restrict private decisions. This rule applies even if hundreds of thousands of customers are essentially punished by being blocked, at least for a while, from being insured at all.


This Biden rule is about transferring wealth from young healthy people who require little medical care to older people who need more. It will make young people poorer when they need all the money they can get to start a family.

Lawmakers should block Biden’s proposed rule limiting short-term plans, and citizens should flood the government through “public comment” forums for federal rule making. Biden’s obsession with punishing the young to subsidize the old shouldn’t be allowed to make the whole system less healthy.

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