Poll: Most voters approve of Supreme Court’s student loan decision


Student Loans
A stack of one hundred dollar bills in a money wrapper labeled “Student Loan” on top of a blue graduation cap. A gold graduation tassel is draped over the stack of money. (iStock)

Poll: Most voters approve of Supreme Court’s student loan decision

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While campaigning in the 2020 presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden promised to eliminate student loan debt. It was an integral part of his political platform. He reaffirmed it at a town hall in Miami one month before the 2020 presidential election.

“You get all these degrees, and you get all this debt, and you get in a position where you can’t get a job because no one is hiring, or they’re hiring at very low wages … I’m going to eliminate your student debt if you come from a family [making less] than $125,000 and went to a public university,” Biden said at the time. “I’m going to make sure everyone gets $10,000 knocked off of their student debt.”


However, the Supreme Court felt otherwise and declared Biden’s plan unconstitutional. This meant that Biden’s promise was more of the rampant disinformation he has been known for, given the decision. However, even apart from the legality issue, most voters agree with the Supreme Court’s decision, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll.

The survey showed that 63% of “likely U.S. voters” approved of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Biden v. Nebraska. This included 49% of respondents who “strongly approved” the court’s decision to rule against “Biden’s program to cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt.” Conversely, 31% disapproved of the decision, including 20% who “strongly disapproved,” according to the poll.


Additionally, the poll showed that most unaffiliated voters supported the court’s decision. Rasmussen revealed that “64% of voters not affiliated with either party at least somewhat approve of the Supreme Court’s decision.” It also showed that 46% of Democrats and 81% of Republicans agreed. It’s not shocking for the many Republicans who supported the court’s ruling; however, it is somewhat telling that nearly half of Democrats and 64% of unaffiliated voters did.

Biden has stated he will still pursue student loan forgiveness in some way, but according to the poll results mentioned above, it might not be as popular as the president thinks it is. This could be an obstacle for Biden in the 2024 election — especially if many voters who aren’t Republican or Democrat approve of the court’s decision.

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