Pompeo accuses Biden administration of threatening US security by prioritizing climate change


Election 2024 Pompeo
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a Republican presidential prospect, takes questions from members of an audience Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022, at a periodic “Politics and Eggs” gathering at Saint Anselm College, in Manchester, N.H. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Pompeo accuses Biden administration of threatening US security by prioritizing climate change

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Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused President Joe Biden of making the United States more susceptible to foreign threats, denouncing his policies as “gaslighting” voters by folding in provisions to address climate change instead of focusing on more pressing issues.

Instead of calming the worsening economy, Pompeo accused the White House of passing the Inflation Reduction Act as a way to “conceal the Biden administration’s real priority” by including historic investments to curb the effects of climate change. The former secretary of state pointed to Biden’s comments at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, where the president touted the legislation as the “biggest, most important climate bill in the history of our country.”

“The statement was telling: Americans were told its purpose was to reduce inflation, but in reality, it was a gaslighting Trojan horse,” Pompeo wrote in an op-ed to the Washington Examiner. “It perfectly encapsulated how climate change and green energy have skewed this administration’s priorities. The law’s $369 billion handout to Democrat-aligned activists and groups will only continue to make everything more expensive for American families.”


Going further, Pompeo decried climate envoy John Kerry for making the country’s foreign policy focus on climate change instead of focusing on possible threats from the Chinese Communist Party.

The Biden administration’s push to decarbonize the country will only boost the CCP, according to Pompeo, as the act designates a significant amount of money to go toward implementing solar energy nationwide despite knowing that the Chinese government dominates the solar panel market, primarily by utilizing forced labor in Xinjiang. Pompeo referred to the Biden administration’s pledge to ensure global supply chains are free from the use of forced labor, specifically referring to Xinjiang.

“Biden signed [the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act], but his administration has displayed mixed feelings about enforcing it,” Pompeo wrote. “Top Biden officials have expressed dismay that prioritizing human life in Xinjiang would undermine their efforts on climate change. … And it is ironic, given the Chinese are building coal-fired power plants at a ridiculous rate and only making the problem worse.”


Pompeo called on Congress, specifically House Republicans, to prioritize the UFLPA over “Biden’s green agenda” and protect Taiwan against a Chinese invasion. Additionally, Pompeo urged lawmakers to investigate the CCP’s influence within the U.S., pointing to the Trump administration’s work to dismantle Chinese spy efforts and other “espionage activities” in the country.

“Make no mistake, the China challenge is not limited to Beijing, Taipei, or Xinjiang — it is in Des Moines, Manchester, Charleston, and Las Vegas,” Pompeo wrote. “Between now and 2024, House Republicans must correct this absurdly misguided approach and lead the U.S. toward a tougher, more competitive stance for the good of the country.”

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