The left-wing white men who own Ben & Jerry’s will never return any land to Native Americans



The left-wing white men who own Ben & Jerry’s will never return any land to Native Americans

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The newest flavor of Ben & Jerry’s overpriced ice cream should probably rhyme with the words “hypocrite” and “fraud” after the company’s anti-American, radical left-wing publicity stunt on July 4th hilariously backfired.

The ice cream giant posted messages on its social media accounts claiming, “The United States was founded on stolen indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it.”


When catching wind of Ben & Jerry’s anti-American virtue signaling and declaration, Chief Don Stevens of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk had a simple message: You first. Ben & Jerry’s corporate headquarters in Burlington, Vermont, is on the original land of Stevens’s indigenous ancestors of the Western Abenaki.

During an interview last week with Newsweek, Stevens stated that his tribe was always interested in “reclaiming the stewardship of our lands.”

“It is the home of all four of our nations,” Stevens said, regarding Ben & Jerry’s corporate headquarters.

Suffice it to say, this was not how the left-wing, white liberal men who own Ben & Jerry’s expected this to go. They do not care if Ben & Jerry’s headquarters are on Native American land. They wanted other people to “return” the land, just so long as they could still reap the benefits.

Furthermore, they have no intention of holding themselves to the demands they set with their ill-thought-out campaign and will never return any land because doing so would cost them millions, if not billions, of dollars.

Stevens mentioned that he had not heard from Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield after the company’s interest in having “stolen” land returned. He shouldn’t hold his breath.

Cohen and Greenfield are like every other left-wing, social justice warrior in this country who feel any criticism or condemnation they espouse does not apply to them because they are somehow morally superior to everyone else. All it took was one sentence from Native American Chief Don Stevens to expose Cohen and Greenfield’s fake empathy and hypocrisy.


This incident should be a lesson to everyone about the insincerity and disingenuousness of contemporary left-wing political activists’ so-called social justice.

Most of what they say is little more than political propaganda; no one should ever take them seriously.

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