Let them eat cake: left-wing media decry food choices at Moms for Liberty Summit


Former President Donald Trump speaking at the Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia
Former President Donald Trump speaking at the Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia<br/> Christopher Tremoglie

Let them eat cake: left-wing media decry food choices at Moms for Liberty Summit

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Scribes on the Left frequently exhibit a lot of behavior that most would consider irrational, abnormal, and somewhat deranged. For example, look no further than the anger directed at the mothers who attended last week’s Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia.

The group was labeled as a “far right” hate group solely because they had the courage and conviction to challenge left-wing political orthodoxy. But, perhaps the strangest disparagement about last week’s summit came from two writers with Media Matters who were so unhinged they felt compelled to bash Moms for Liberty… because of the summit’s dining options.


During a week in which self-described communists gathered in Philadelphia and baselessly condemned a group of mothers who wanted to protect their children as far-right extremists and neo-Nazis, writers from Media Matters used the summit’s elegance, fine dining, and culinary choices as a symbolic representation of why they felt these mothers’ political ideology and desire to protect their children were wrong, and they were right-wing extremists.

Because nothing says “rise of the Fourth Reich” like a main course of chicken breast with risotto, broccoli, and freshly baked dinner rolls.

They criticized the food in some weird, odd, cultish ideological retaliation against Moms for Liberty, as if co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich personally cooked each meal from scratch like they were contestants on a cooking reality show with Gordon Ramsay. Consider the author’s words, which read more like the complaints of a whiny, spoiled aristocrat than legitimate commentary about a convention.

“Moms for Liberty first tried to feed me at the welcome reception,” wrote the author. “Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures because I did not expect that my dispatch would revolve around catering, but the offerings were bizarre to the point of raising serious questions about what process went into developing the menu.” The author even lamented the quality of a chocolate covered strawberry served there, calling it “disappointing” because it did not have “enough chocolate.”

Incidentally, the only food the author seemed to enjoy was one of the desserts served at the gala dinner. She claimed the chocolate pot de crème was the “best thing” she had “all weekend” and the only thing truly worth eating — a fitting contemporary nod to the 18th-century French aristocratic saying (usually falsely attributed to Marie Antoinette), “Let them eat cake.”

Naturally, as part of the coping process for being around a group of women the author despised — mothers who wanted to protect their children from such things as having teachers secretly transition a student’s gender without notifying parents or brainwashing kids with the radical tenets of gender ideology, such as men having the ability to get pregnant — she made claims comprised of half-truths and misinformation.

Given the tone of the Media Matters article, I assumed this was done to create an agenda-driven, rage-induced narrative of the conference rather than a truthful and factual recap.

From providing inaccurate and incomplete information about ticket pricing (she listed only the price of a VIP ticket and not general admission), to distorting the words of many of the speakers, to omitting the acts of violence committed by the left-wing agitators protesting the summit, the Media Matters article was more fiction than reality.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, but it’s indicative of how unhinged the Left’s resentment against Moms for Liberty truly is.

And regarding the dining quality, for the foodies, culinary enthusiasts, and anyone else interested, the food at the Moms for Liberty conference was quite delicious. Whether it was the chicken breast or beef, it tasted even better with a side dish of mothers who believed in protecting children from rampant left-wing ideological brainwashing in schools, while being served with tasty appetizers, desserts, and ideological normalcy that teachers have no right to secretly transition a child’s gender without notifying parents.

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