The ‘tolerant’ Left shows its true colors in cyberattacks against Lorie Smith


Lorie Smith, Kristen Waggoner
Lorie Smith. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

The ‘tolerant’ Left shows its true colors in cyberattacks against Lorie Smith

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Last week, the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 majority that Christian web designer Lorie Smith would not have to make same-sex wedding websites. The court’s decision was based on the First Amendment, which defends Smith against an overreaching interpretation of Colorado’s anti-discrimination law.

303 Creative LLC v. Elenis will protect free speech and defend the moral convictions of business owners. The intolerant Left has responded to this by crashing Smith’s website with 10 million cyber threats.


This is a reaction of blind rage, one that has no rhyme or reason.

The Supreme Court’s ruling does not discriminate against LGBT people. Smith said it herself: she has worked with and will continue to work with LGBT customers. The decision merely upholds free speech and defends the right of any business owner to refuse to sell or make a product that violates his or her beliefs.

Despite the constitutional grounding for 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, Smith has received an unrelenting amount of violent attacks online. She said in an interview, “Especially in the last week, despite the victory last week, I do continue to face horrific attacks, people saying they hope I would be raped; they want to burn my house down; they know where I live, and they want to come kill me and my family.”

The Left’s reaction to Smith’s case provides more concrete evidence of its failure to live up to its tolerant principles.

The Left’s attack on free speech and its hypocritical intolerance go hand in hand. Leftists often vie for tolerance, but will not tolerate speech that contradicts their ideology. Modern liberals often cry at opposition: “Hate speech! Hate speech!” Or they will call opponents bigots, homophobes, etc.

However, despite their accusations, nothing can compete with their own violent behavior and despicable rhetoric.

To the extreme Left, blatant acts of hatred, such as those committed toward Smith, are acceptable because they serve its political agenda. Extreme Leftists do not support free speech as such, and thus they violate American principles. This should come as no surprise, as anti-Americanism is increasingly a virtue of the Left.

They exemplified this virtue in the violent anti-American displays of the 2020-2021 Black Lives Matter protests when they destroyed $25 million of property and burned flags. They showed their true colors again last summer in the “Jane’s Revenge” vandalism of pregnancy centers after Roe was declared unconstitutional. And they make clear their intolerance today, with the Leftist mob’s vicious responses to Smith.

They hate the Constitution. They think America is systemically rotten. They rewrote the National Anthem to be unpatriotic. No wonder they would oppose a ruling that upholds the First Amendment, a principle so fundamental to American values.


The Left cannot live up to its own standard of “tolerance.” Because the Supreme Court’s ruling defended free speech for all, extreme Leftists hate it.

Briana Oser is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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