Deadbeat dads bailing on child support is woke now, per California activists



Deadbeat dads bailing on child support is woke now, per California activists

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To make up for slavery, California apparently wants black children to suffer.

In the entire history of California statehood, slavery was always illegal. Although Spanish colonists had enslaved indigenous Californians and some Americans had brought their slaves to California before it entered the union, upon its liberation from Mexico, California’s constitutional convention banned slavery prior to the U.S. admitting it as a state.


Thus, it is beyond baffling that the current state government of California called upon the creation of a Reparations Task Force.

Despite the fact that the state budget deficit has grown to $32 billion — on top of more than half a trillion dollars in debt — the task force initially proposed giving $1.2 million to each eligible Californian. Now, the latest 1,100-page report from the task force has debuted a new proposal in the name of righting the historic wrong of slavery.

“The task force recommends that the legislature enact legislation to terminate all interest accrued on back child support, requiring only the payment of the principal owed,” the report dictates. “At a minimum, the proposal recommends that the legislature eliminate the prospective accrual of interest on child-support debt for low-income parents.”

Of course, the only rationale the report offers for claiming that child support is racist is disparate impact, as it notes that “although African Americans are less than seven percent of California’s population, they represent around 18 percent of the parents who owe child support debt.”

Unsurprisingly, this supposed war on racism really just becomes a war on children. The fine print of the proposal says that “child support debt [should be] based solely on a parent’s financial circumstances and ability to pay” and the minimum child support payment should be eliminated.

In the same way that student debt cancellation was a tax break disproportionately for the rich and the upwardly mobile, child support debt cancellation is a tax break disproportionately for men, who are responsible for the majority of child support obligations, at the cost of children. The reason for interest accrued for late payments is to compensate the custodial parent for emergency efforts they might need to take to pay for immediate childcare costs and, especially these days, to account for inflation.


Furthermore, this proposal, introduced under the guise of ameliorating the legacy of racism, would only further exacerbate the wealth gap between black and white children. Black children are actually less likely to have the noncustodial parent paying child support; per Census Bureau data, a little more than a third of custodial black parents are awarded child support, as opposed to the majority of white parents.

Deadbeat dads (and moms) may matter to the most execrable activists in California, but evidently, black children’s lives do not.

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