Moms for Liberty supporters were doxxed and physically threatened


Moms for Liberty Chapter Chair Kit Hart
Moms for Liberty Chapter Chair Kit Hart (received permission from Kit Hart to use this) <- please remove before publishing

Moms for Liberty supporters were doxxed and physically threatened

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Liberals, Democrats, legacy media, and others on the Left have frequently vilified and demonized Moms for Liberty, a parents’ rights group, mainly because the Moms actively reject radical left-wing political dogma. With the organization’s summit set to begin in Philadelphia today, the mothers have been branded everything from racists to neo-Nazis and branded a “threat to democracy” in the Left’s propaganda campaign against them.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, the Left seemingly has resorted to physical violence and intimidation to advance the anti-Moms agenda.


Members of Moms for Liberty have reportedly experienced physical threats and doxxing, as the people who claim to want to protect democracy actively try to intimidate and suppress the rights of mothers attending this week’s summit in Philadelphia. Kit Hart, chairwoman of the Carroll County, Maryland, Moms for Liberty chapter, was seemingly threatened when an account on Twitter insulted her appearance, said she was like a “walking candy apple,” and then published her address followed by the words “wanna play” in a tweet.

“We are very blessed to live in a country with freedom of speech. People can say whatever they want, but of course, that doesn’t make it true,” Hart told me. “I used to get upset by the comments people made to or about me, but I’ve learned from so many others who have been vilified to let it roll right off my back. I no longer get offended by people from whom I would never take advice. Our detractors understand that we are making massive headway, and so they’ll say whatever they think will intimidate or dissuade us.”

Additionally, Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice was treated to the following threat:

“Your whole f***ing inbred family needs to be f***ing shot, f***ing NAZIS,” the message read. “Can’t wait for someone to unalive you and your f***ing kids.”

On Facebook, one user was trying to publicize a link between a board of education member in a Maryland school district and the Moms for Liberty. Their objective was to get the board member fired for supporting the group.

“I also want their names to become public so everyone knows who is a part of M4L besides the usual suspects,” the message on Facebook said.

Additionally, a venue holding an event for the summit, Philadelphia’s Museum of the American Revolution, was unsafe from violence and destruction. The museum was attacked Wednesday evening as agitators broke windows, damaged historical artifacts, and sprayed graffiti on the museum. It’s typical behavior from the Left that, more often than not, gets completely ignored.

Despite these horrific threats and actual vandalism, Philadelphia’s mayor, Jim Kenney, didn’t even acknowledge the museum’s vandalism. Instead, he took to Twitter to warn about Moms for Liberty. He tweeted that the group’s views were “problematic.”

This is the same mayor who said nothing about Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters who caused waves of destruction in the summer of 2020. But he is distraught over a bunch of mothers wanting transparency about what is being taught and done to their children?

This mayor is emblematic of the modern Democrat Party and his tweet indicative of the kind of propaganda and deception the Left use to advance its agenda. Their hypocrisy and dishonesty are truly astounding.

These disgusting threats come in addition to the announced protests against the Moms for Liberty Summit. The people who have routinely championed themselves as the “protectors of democracy” and emphasized the need to guard our nation’s democratic values are doing everything they can to squash the rights of mothers who have a different viewpoint. It’s a playbook that the extreme Left has used since the early 20th century during the days of the Russian Revolution.


The legacy media will denounce Moms for Liberty but say nothing of the violence that groups opposing them have threatened or caused. Such despicable acts have no place in this country and need to be exposed. If anyone on the Left had any integrity, they would denounce these threats and call for accountability.

Democrats, liberals, and others on the Left demonize those who run counter to their political ideology to distract from the actuality of their totalitarian impulses. They are the true threats to our nation’s values and democracy.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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