NBC: Don’t worry, LGBT people were always ‘coming for your children’


Transgender Rally
Protesters hold signs at a rally in support of transgender youth, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, at the Stonewall National Monument in New York. They were demonstrating against President Donald Trump’s decision to roll back a federal rule saying public schools had to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender identity. The rule had already been blocked from enforcement, but transgender advocates view the Trump administration action as a step back for transgender rights. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) Kathy Willens/AP

NBC: Don’t worry, LGBT people were always ‘coming for your children’

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Pride marches and Pride month are, apparently, about being naked in front of children and telling parents that LGBT people are coming for their children. That is not according to conservatives or bigots but to the marchers and LGBT “allies” themselves.

NBC Out, the LGBT section of NBC News, tasked itself with defending Pride marchers after a video from a New York City march featured them chanting, “We’re coming for your children.” NBC says the chant “elicits outrage, but activists say it’s taken out of context.”


That is good to know. What exactly is the context for such a chant at a time when gay and transgender activists are pushing children through irreversible sex changes?

“The ‘coming for your children’ chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists,” according to NBC. So there you have it. Gay and transgender Pride marchers said they were coming for your children for years, not just this year.

Bet you feel silly for being so “outraged” about it now, don’t you?

According to NBC, this is simply “one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people,” as evidently, it is very important for them to reclaim the word “groomer.” Not only that, but NBC News assures us that “Ten percent is not enough: Groom! Groom! Groom!” and “Kill, kill, kill, we’re coming to kill the mayor” are also totally normal chants that you should accept and about which you should not be the slightest bit concerned or disgusted.

While NBC is assuring you that there is nothing wrong with Pride marchers chanting about grooming children, several Pride marches continue to feature nudity as part of their parades. That includes Seattle, where naked men on bicycles rode up to children during a Pride parade.

Again, they want us to think all of this is normal and to be expected.

Pride marchers just want to live their lives and be left alone to chant about how they are “coming for your children” while exposing themselves to children during parades. What about that do you object to, bigot?

Most gay and transgender people are not like this, and yet LGBT activists and Pride marchers have decided that there is nothing more important than shoving their sexuality in your face and, more importantly, the faces of your children. That is why these activists are demanding that pornographic books be allowed to remain in children’s classrooms.

Anything else will lead them to accuse you of “denying their existence” or some other such nonsense.


When your best defense for a movement is that chanting that they are “coming for your children” while obsessively trying to subject children to adult genitalia during parades and in classrooms is a normal thing they have done for years, that movement is clearly indefensible.

Conservatives and Republicans would not be talking about this movement if its most outspoken members weren’t constantly forcing their disgusting actions on everyone else, especially children, and doing so with the full support of most national Democrats and the liberal media.

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