Sweetheart Hunter plea is a gift to Biden and Trump


Hunter Biden, Joe Biden
Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. (Visar Kryeziu/AP)

Sweetheart Hunter plea is a gift to Biden and Trump

After five years investigating the nefarious deeds of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, the Department of Justice came up with just two misdemeanor charges for late tax filings, and offered a sweet deal for illegal gun possession that will keep the culprit out of jail. No wonder Hunter was willing to cop a plea.

Hunter could have been sentenced to twelve months for each of his tax charges, which stem from not paying a combined $1.2 million owed for the years 2017 and 2018, although most offenders don’t get that maximum.


The gun charge is more complicated. Hunter is charged with both possessing a firearm while addicted to drugs and falsely claiming on his federal firearms background check that he was not addicted. These offenses carry sentences of up to 10 years in prison. But Hunter will not be prosecuted for either of them and has instead been allowed to enter a two-year “diversion” program instead. If he completes the program, the gun charges would be stricken from his record entirely.

About half of all referrals for falsely filling out a federal firearm background check are prosecuted, according to federal data. It stinks of prosecutorial favoritism that the Justice Department declined to prosecute Hunter on the gun charges even as President Biden pushes for background checks on all firearms transactions, including those between family members. If Biden’s DOJ refuses to prosecute people who lie on federal firearms background checks, what is the background check requirement for? Oh yes, it’s not to prosecute wrongdoers but to keep tabs on all gun owners.

The Biden Justice Department’s refusal to prosecute Hunter will only make it harder for a jury to convict former President Donald Trump, who has all but admitted the comparable technical violation of withholding federal documents improperly in his possession in violation of a court order.

Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal is a boon to his father’s reelection campaign, as one suspects it was intended to be. The DOJ investigation has produced nothing touching Hunter’s dubious business deals with overseas rogues. The slight tap on the wrist for Hunter will be used as a bullet-proof defense against all further inquiries and controversy over Biden family influence peddling and handsome slices of the action for “the Big Guy.”

Whenever a reporter asks about Hunter’s legal troubles, including foreign corruption and failure to pay child support, the Biden campaign will point to this week’s plea deal and claim all those issues have been settled. “It’s all old news, and it’s time to move on,” or words to that effect, will be the Democrats’ refrain.

Hunter’s lawyer Chris Clark is already saying it. “With the announcement of two agreements between my client, Hunter Biden, and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, it is my understanding the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved,” Clark said in a post-deal statement.


But Hunter’s overseas business shenanigans have not been made even remotely clear enough, and investigations into them have not been resolved. House Republicans continue to pursue these matters. But these are, necessarily, political investigations, and they will be dismissed as “just politics” by Biden’s praetorian news media. Without a change in leadership at the White House, Hunter will not be charged for anything the GOP finds, no matter how incriminating.

President Biden is in as high a reelection gear as he can achieve, and his son’s plea deal is just the latest sign.

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