DeSantis focuses on Biden’s failures and other vital issues that matter


Ron DeSantis
FILE – Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis arrives at the Foreign Office to visit Britain’s Foreign Secretary in London, Friday, April 28, 2023. (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali, File) Alberto Pezzali/AP

DeSantis focuses on Biden’s failures and other vital issues that matter

There’s been a lot of bickering among the GOP who have declared their candidacy for president. And, it’s to be expected given that it’s a presidential primary.

However, if Republicans hope to win back the White House, they must convince the country’s voters — including many independents and potentially some Democrats — that their ideas are superior to President Joe Biden’s. It is why Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has focused his campaigning on Biden, not the other political theatrical infighting.


“I’m running against Biden,” DeSantis said during a previous interview with Piers Morgan. “Like we [him and Trump] are competing for the Republican, potentially, I get that, but ultimately you know, the guy I’m going to focus on is Biden because I think he’s failed the country. I think the country wants a change. I think they want a fresh start and a new direction, and so we’ll be very vocal about that.”

Ultimately, DeSantis is correct.

While much of the GOP primary has focused on former President Donald Trump’s comments, insults, plights, and shenanigans, Biden is the epicenter of our country’s many issues. The people want to know who the best leader for the country will be, not who will be the best contestant on “Survivor: Trump” or who can create the most drama on “Donald Trump 90210.” The presidency is not a game show or campy television drama, or soap opera; it’s the most important office in the entire world.

Biden has championed radical left-wing government policies causing irreparable harm. Since Jan. 20, 2021, the Biden administration has tried to mold society to accept that the nation is built on white supremacy, racism is a current widespread society ill that makes it virtually impossible for any non-white person to succeed, every LGBTQ person is under attack, and men can magically transform into women.

Moreover, Biden championed the unequivocal societal dependence on government and reckless spending that has abandoned all sense of fiscal and economic sanity. Biden’s policies have been a cataclysmic disaster, and DeSantis has made a point to emphasize that every time he speaks to the public. He knows that Biden is the nation’s primary problem, and DeSantis has stressed that from the very first day of his candidacy.

“Biden’s pursued inflationary policies that are hurting working people, we will reverse those policies, and we’ll build an economy where working Americans can achieve a good standard of living. Biden opened the southern border and allowed massive amounts of drugs to pour into the country,” DeSantis said during his presidential candidacy announcement in May.

He continued, “We’ll shut down the border, construct a border wall, and hold the drug cartels accountable. Biden’s embraced medical authoritarianism, such as unconstitutional COVID Vax mandates, we will ensure that those violations of liberty can never happen again.”

More importantly, as many regular, ordinary people in the country have routinely expressed their displeasure at the moral rot from Biden’s attack on our culture and norms, DeSantis has routinely stood up to these radical left-wing assaults. He lamented the horrors of Biden’s radical left-wing policies, stating that “leftist government is destroying cities all over the country. It’s destroying other states.”

”Biden’s allowed woke ideology to drive his agenda, we will never surrender to the woke mob, and we will leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history. Biden’s also politicized the military and caused recruiting to plummet,” DeSantis also said during his campaign launch. ”We will eliminate ideological agendas from our military, focus the military on the core mission, and we will reverse the poor recruiting trends. Finally, Biden’s weaponized the power of the administrative state to advance his left-wing agenda. We will re-constitutionalize the executive branch, and we’ll bring the administrative state to heel.”


“America’s got to make a decision because we need to restore sanity in this country,” he said during a speech in Nevada on Saturday. “I have no interest in managing decline. I am going to reverse it.”

DeSantis knows the significance of protecting our country’s cherished values and that Biden is trying to ruin them. And in a crowded field to be the Republican nominee for president, DeSantis could be the beacon of hope to save the nation from Biden’s fiscal and cultural left-wing decay. Arguably, the future of the nation is at risk.

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