Donald Trump arrested: Tucker Carlson says Trump targeted for opposing ‘neocon war agenda’


Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump
Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump. (AP)

Donald Trump arrested: Tucker Carlson says Trump targeted for opposing ‘neocon war agenda’

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In the third installment of Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show on Tuesday night, the host devoted his 13-minute monologue to dissecting the arrest and court appearance of former President Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents.

According to the former Fox News host, the targeting of Trump and his subsequent arrest were ultimately due to his opposition of the “neocon war agenda” in Washington, D.C.


“It’s been inevitable since Feb. 16, 2016,” he said of Trump’s arrest, referencing one of the Republican presidential primary debates ahead of the 2016 election. During this debate, Trump said that the government lied when it invaded Iraq. “They lied. They knew there were no weapons of mass destruction,” he said.

Carlson said that this statement gained the future president “a blood enemy of the largest and most powerful organization in human history, which would be the federal government.”

This, the host said, marked “the precise moment that permanent Washington decided to send Donald Trump to prison.”

He further claimed that the politicians and bureaucrats in the nation’s capital have had a goal of putting Trump in jail ever since that statement. The charges over classified documents are simply a means to an end, Carlson claimed.

“What matters, then and now, is foreign policy,” he said, and minimizing the importance of political party and other factors in D.C., “the invasions and occupations and proxy wars.”

“Congress decides to start a war, no matter how foolish or counterproductive or obviously disconnected from America’s interests that war may be, the political class respond enthusiastically,” he continued.

Carlson also claimed that dissent is forbidden. “That’s the first rule of Washington,” he said. “But somehow Trump didn’t bother to follow it.”

Despite Carlson’s insinuation, Trump’s foreign policy as president was not expressly isolationist. Notably, Trump promised in an ad in 2015 to “quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS” and “rebuild our military and make it so strong no one — and I mean, no one — will mess with us.”

In 2020, Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani in response to his planning of “imminent and sinister attacks” on Americans.

Isolationism is traditionally understood as a complete abstinence from involvement in international conflicts or politics.


The former president was arraigned on Tuesday after being charged with 37 counts by the Department of Justice, including 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information.

Trump pleaded not guilty to the charges.

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