Poll reveals that Americans think morality is at a new low


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Panoramic view of the United States Capitol and waving American flag in Washington D.C. (narvikk/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Poll reveals that Americans think morality is at a new low

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According to a Gallup poll released Friday, 54% of Americans think the state of moral values in the United States is “poor.” This number has increased 4% since last year. Eighty-three percent think the situation will get worse, an all-time high (or low).

Only 10% think moral values in America are “good,” and just 1% “excellent” (presumably those living under a rock).


The 54% of Americans upset with our country’s current moral state consists mostly of independents. Seventy-four percent of Republicans think morality is going badly, and only 38% of Democrats (still an increase from last year).

Gallup asked poll voters what the main problem is. The top answer was, “The way people treat each other, or lack of consideration for others.”

This answer reveals how Americans feel about each other. Neither Republicans nor Democrats think the other side respects American citizens. The parties are divided in a way that America has never seen, with little to no overlap on important subjects.

This divide might be due to legislation concerning children. Most Republicans think that abortion is murder. But, to Democrats, gun violence is the top reason for the deaths of children.

Democrats think that transgender surgery validates youths. Republicans think it mutilates them.

It makes sense that the protection of children would be cause for the greatest divide between the two major American parties. Unfortunately, only one side is correct, while the other side is horribly wrong.

Despite the current state of American morality, and the common opinion about its outlook, Republicans are unwise to lose hope.

A society against traditionalism cannot preserve itself. Ultimate progressivism is the destruction of the past. It is a self-defeating agenda. There is nothing we can do that does not rely on the knowledge and inheritance of the past.

A key value of traditionalism is the family. Progressives who protest the family will not be having kids. “Child-free” millennials are in the same boat. Sadly, the children who undergo sterilizing genital surgery will not be able to reproduce either. They are even less likely to pass down the views of their parents. And women who feel they need to be free from motherhood in order to be liberated and equal to men will not have kids.

A culture of death ends in death.


Pro-life Republicans, meanwhile, are raising big families. They do not perceive children as an inconvenience or an impediment to their lifestyles, so they are more likely to have kids.

We should not lose hope. We should uplift families and support parents. We should resist the culture of death. And we should rest assured that extreme progressivism will collapse.

Briana Oser is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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