Donald Trump indictment: Hawley warns if Biden ‘can just jail his political opponents, we don’t have a republic anymore’


Donald Trump, Josh Hawley, Joe Biden.png
Former President Donald Trump (left), Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) (center), and President Joe Biden. (AP Photos)

Donald Trump indictment: Hawley warns if Biden ‘can just jail his political opponents, we don’t have a republic anymore’

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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) warned that the latest indictment of former President Donald Trump is President Joe Biden’s attempt to “take out the chief political opponent.”

Hawley blasted that Thursday’s indictment, which alleges Trump mishandled classified records at his Florida resort home of Mar-a-Lago, is a sign that “we don’t have a republic anymore.”

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“If the president in power can just jail his political opponents, which is what Joe Biden is trying to do tonight, we don’t have a republic anymore,” Hawley said on The Ingraham Angle. “We don’t have the rule of law. We don’t have the Constitution.”

“Our Constitution is built on the basic rule of law and due process, and nobody should be in doubt of what is happening tonight. Joe Biden and his cronies are trying to take out their chief political opponent. This has never happened in American history,” the senator continued. “We are in dangerous, dangerous waters, and it is because of Joe Biden.”

The decision to bring charges against Trump comes after Attorney General Merrick Garland hand-picked special counsel Jack Smith to investigate Trump’s handling of the classified documents.

Hawley noted the indictment is further proof the Democratic Party “will do everything they have to to try to shut down political opposition.”

“This is not about Donald Trump ultimately. This is about the United States of America. This is about whether the Constitution is still real in this country. This is about whether any American can expect the due process of law,” Hawley said. “Make no mistake, if Merrick Garland can send in a SWAT team to the homes of pro-life Catholics to terrorize them, if he can call parents domestic terrorists, if he can jail or try to jail Biden’s political opponents, he can do whatever he wants to any American. That is what this is about.”

“It is pure power grab. It is pure power grab by the people in power, by the Biden people,” the Missouri Republican added. “I come back to the fact that this is an administration that will stop at nothing to silence their political opponents. They will turn the FBI on parents. They will turn the FBI on Catholic parishes and try to spy on them. They will turn the FBI on pro-life Christians. Social media companies. They will use everything they have to try and shut down political opposition right up to indicting their chief political opponent. This is not the U.S. if this is allowed to stand.”


Hawley asserted the importance of the “fight for the rule of law” amid the 2024 election season.

“We cannot allow it to stand,” Hawley said. “That’s what this next election is going to be about.”

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