Chris Christie is going to help Trump in the primary whether he means to or not


022616 Trump Christie endorsment
This marks the first endorsement of the billionaire from one of his former opponents. (AP Photo/LM Otero) LM Otero

Chris Christie is going to help Trump in the primary whether he means to or not

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Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie supposedly jumped into the 2024 GOP presidential primary to take down former President Donald Trump. But the reality is that Christie is only going to help Trump during the campaign, whether he means to or not.

All of Christie’s attacks on Trump are going to come from the Left, whether that be the substance of the attack or the fact that it is Christie making it. For example, Christie appeared on CNN alongside liberal Jake Tapper to claim that Trump has “been a puppet of Putin from the time he was president.” The Russian collusion narrative was proven to be a joke pushed by hysterical liberals for political gain, and yet Christie is parroting its central premise on CNN’s airwaves.


What audience is that argument for? It certainly isn’t the GOP electorate. Choosing that line of attack and that network to launch that attack from will only reinforce support for Trump from the GOP base, not weaken it.

And even if Christie were to stumble into an attack from Trump’s right, it would still be coming from a man who ran into the arms of establishment media after he flamed out of politics in the 2016 campaign. Christie has spent the last several years as an employee of Disney at ABC News. Christie’s approval rating among GOP primary voters is just 21%, with a disapproval rating of 47%. He has no credibility among GOP voters.

Then there is the argument that Christie will destroy Trump’s campaign just like he did to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in 2016. But that is a fiction that is more glamorous than reality. Christie didn’t end Rubio’s campaign; Rubio did that all on his own. He malfunctioned on the debate stage and repeatedly used the same rehearsed line. All Christie did was notice it and point it out. He’s not some powerful debater wielding rhetorical might that can sink a campaign. Rubio sunk himself, and Christie just happened to be the closest one to the boat.


The “kamikaze” argument that Christie is running for no other reason than to take out Trump holds no water. Nor does any argument that he actually thinks he can win anything in a GOP primary. This is all about feeding his larger-than-life ego, earning the gushing praise of his media colleagues for the service he is doing to democracy or whatever such nonsense they tell themselves.

Of course, he is serving their goals as well, because they all want to see Trump win the nomination. In a GOP primary, all Christie can do is reinforce Trump’s support among GOP voters. Whether he intends it to be or not, Christie’s candidacy is nothing more than a liberal sham, and Trump’s team is certainly grateful for it.

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