Cambridge professor says it’s ‘legitimate’ to believe Jesus had a ‘trans body’


Trinity College Cambridge
“Trinity College, Cambridge is one of the constituent colleges of Cambridge University. Trinity College was founded by Henry VIII in 1546. Most of Trinityaas major buildings date from the 16th and 17th centuries. Seen here is the quadrangle known as The Great Court and reputed to be the largest enclosed court in Europe. Trinityaas main entrance is via the castellated building to the left, known as The Great Gate. The Great Court is historic for the Great Court Run. The distance around the perimeter of the court is 341 metres and the goal is to complete a circuit inside the 43 seconds it takes the clock on Kings Gate to strike 12 oaaclock. Only 3 people have ever, reputedly, achieved the time, Lord Burgley in 1927 and Sebastian Coe in a charity race in 1988 – although Coeaas time is disputed. Good copy space.” stocknshares/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Cambridge professor says it’s ‘legitimate’ to believe Jesus had a ‘trans body’

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The dean of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom is under fire for defending a sermon by a graduate student that said Jesus Christ had a “trans body.”

Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow at the college, using medieval and Renaissance art for examples, said Jesus’s body is both masculine and feminine and that the crucified Christ’s side wound “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance” during a sermon at the Anglican evensong service at the Trinity College chapel, the Daily Telegraph reported.


“In Christ’s simultaneously masculine and feminine body in these works, if the body of Christ as these works suggest the body of all bodies, then his body is also the trans body,” Heath reportedly said.

The sermon drew outrage from congregants, who complained to Trinity College Dean Michael Banner about what they said was a heretical sermon that made many of them uncomfortable.

“I am especially contemptuous of such imagery when it is applied to our Lord from the pulpit at evensong,” one person told Banner. “I am contemptuous of the notion that we should be invited to contemplate the martyrdom of a ‘trans Christ,’ a new heresy for our age.”

But the dean defended the sermon and his invitation to Heath.

“I think that speculation was legitimate, whether or not you or I or anyone else disagrees with the interpretation, says something else about that artistic tradition, or resists its application to contemporary questions around transsexualism,” Banner told the Telegraph, adding that he “would not issue an invitation to someone who I thought would deliberately seek to shock or offend a congregation or who could be expected to speak against the Christian faith.”

A spokesperson for Trinity College told the Daily Mail that neither Banner nor Heath “suggested Jesus was transgender.”

“The sermon addressed the image of Christ depicted in art and various interpretations of those artistic portrayals,” the college said. “The sermon’s exploration of the nature of religious art, in the spirit of thought-provoking academic inquiry, was in keeping with open debate and dialogue at the University of Cambridge.”


The latest controversy at the historic university comes just weeks after it was reported that Cambridge was encouraging students studying German to use gender-neutral words exclusively despite the vast majority of German words having a male or female inclination.

The effort was ridiculed by German speakers, one of whom said that anyone who tried to use gender-neutral nouns “would stand a good chance of making a fool of themselves.”

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