The UN is one big anti-American, anti-human rights racket


President Donald Trump is trying to find out which parts of the United Nations have ties to anti-American beliefs. The answer is all of it. That’s because the U.N. is a destructive global bureaucracy full of the most despicable and power-hungry people on the planet.

On Thursday, a British jury convicted Lydia Mugambe of “conspiring to facilitate the commission of a breach of UK immigration law, facilitating travel with a view to exploitation, forcing someone to work, and conspiracy to intimidate a witness,” according to the BBC. In short, Mugambe manipulated British immigration law to bring a woman from Uganda to the United Kingdom, where she “took advantage of her status” to force her to work as a maid for free.

Mugambe’s “status” was being a U.N. judge for the U.N.’s International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. She even attempted to use that status as a judge to claim diplomatic immunity. Mugambe was appointed to her position in May 2023, three months after police were called to her home. Mugambe, now convicted of human trafficking, was praised by the U.N. on its website for having “published and presented on issues of human rights.”

In the meantime, Trump has sent surveys to the U.N. asking its humanitarian agencies that receive U.S. funding to self-report ties to anti-American beliefs. The surveys also lean on them to pursue projects that “reinforce U.S. sovereignty by limiting reliance on international organizations or global governance structures,” such as the World Health Organization or the U.N. itself, and ask what projects the agencies are working on to “counter malign influence” from countries such as China.


To save the Trump administration some time, the U.N. is working on no such projects because the whole thing is anti-American. Its purpose is to make the world more reliant on its global governance structures. It rewards authoritarian states such as China that simply decline to take part in any global cooperation when they find it against their interests. The U.N. leverages the naivety of Western countries and their deference to diplomacy for diplomacy’s sake to hold them to higher standards than human rights abusers, dictators, and terrorists, who have entire agencies dedicated to coddling them or even aiding them, such as with the Palestinians and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

The U.N. is full of people like Mugambe and even more people like the ones who put Mugambe in her position of authority. The U.N. only cares about increasing and wielding its own power, and the corrupt bureaucrats it employs will do so at the expense of human rights and the sovereignty of Western nations whenever there is a choice between the two.

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