When Jussie Smollett fooled Kamala Harris


There may never be a more incompetent government official running for president than the appointed Democratic nominee and current vice president, Kamala Harris. Despite her campaign’s media-aided reboot and rebranding, nothing can hide Harris from the biggest threat to her presidential campaign: Harris. After all, it was Harris’s intelligence and judgment that led her to believe the account of an attack by disgraced actor Jussie Smollett, and it was Harris who called it a “modern-day lynching” while she was still a senator from California.

With less than two weeks before the presidential election, it seemed like a good time to remind people of Harris’s previous poor logic and judgment.

@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know,” Harris posted on social media more than five years ago. “I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.”

Harris never confronted the hate, primarily because it never existed. It’s just one example of her incompetence and desire to create a bitter, deceitful, and divisive political climate in the country. There’s a level of what could only be described as an unhinged fanaticism by Harris predicated on a dangerous and radicalized obsession with race. Furthermore, the fact that she was utterly wrong in her evaluation of the incident proves that she cannot be trusted to make sound judgments in high-stakes situations involving critical matters.

Consider some of Harris’s other failed political assessments. 

During an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press in September 2022 with then-host Chuck Todd, Harris discussed the nation’s border security.

“We have a secure border,” Harris said at the time. 

Later, Harris’s boss, President Joe Biden, said the border was not secure and specified it had not been secure for the last decade.

“No, it’s not,” Biden replied when asked if the border was secure. “I haven’t believed that for the last 10 years. And I’ve said it for the last 10 years.”

This is important because it’s part of a pattern involving Harris. The same politician who said we should believe that Smollett was the victim of a hate crime also said the country’s border was secure. There are numerous other examples of, at best, Harris’s horrible judgment or, at worst, her pathological dishonesty and regular inability to tell the public the truth. However, the Smollett incident is particularly egregious and representative of why she must not be elected. 

At a time when Democrats are going apoplectic about threats to democracy and looming political dangers, let’s not forget that the person who is now the current vice president once sought to vilify a significant portion of the country’s population because she lacked the common sense to recognize Smollett was not telling the truth. Moreover, the same simple mind that believed two men committed a hate crime against Smollett in Chicago’s subzero weather in January thinks former President Donald Trump is a fascist.


If Harris was so easily fooled by Smollett, how could she be trusted against more cunning minds and geopolitical adversaries, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, or Chinese President Xi Jinping?

The objective truth is she cannot, and she has no one to blame but herself. Harris prioritized radical, fanciful, agenda-driven myths over logic and common sense.

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