Don Jr.: Swamp ‘rats’ want back in


As the chances that former President Donald Trump may win on Election Day grow, many former allies and aides are filling the email inboxes of campaign officials likely to play a big role in hiring the new administration.

And those officials are spamming those emails as fast as they can.

“The rats are coming back to the ship,” Donald Trump Jr. said.

His message to them: “I don’t want a weak Republican. If I want weak Republicans, we’d put Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney in the Cabinet. … We know who you are.”

Trump Jr. said that many other Washington political and business leaders have already stepped in to help Trump’s campaign and that they will be first in line during the transition should Trump win.

“We don’t need bureaucrats now. We got guys like Elon Musk willing to step in and do a good job that not a single person in government could come close to doing, not the entire government. It scares the hell out of them. They understand, you know, that they’re not going to have the gravy train they had in Washington, D.C., while the rest of America suffers anymore,” he told Secrets.

Dan Scavino Jr., the ever-present Trump aide and adviser, added that long AWOL Trumpers can go pound sand. He put on social media, “I have zero interest in working with anyone who is a former colleague who disappeared upon our departure from the White House.”

On his social media platforms, he added in all caps, “STOP CALLING. STOP EMAILING. STOP TEXTING — YOU’RE NOT HEARING BACK FROM ME.”


Trump Jr. said the transition already has a good list of aides. He also said possible hires will know who’s the boss.

“We’re going to make sure he has a good team around him, of people that know what they’re doing, that understand that but are also loyal and, most importantly, recognize that they serve at the pleasure of the president of the United States, that they serve the duly elected president of the United States. It’s not their job to slow-roll. It is their job to execute, you know, his wishes. I think it’s why you have so much more pushback from D.C. Because that’s what scares them,” he said.

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