Trump’s McDonald’s visit hits a nerve


Nearly a week after former President Donald Trump visited and briefly worked at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s, Democrats and their media allies can’t stop talking about it. As is so often the case, his opponents’ reaction to this harmless example of retail politics says more about themselves than about him.

First, Democrats tried to mock Trump for staging the event — as if most campaign events are not, by necessity, vetted and planned, given the massive logistical and security prep needed to move a major political candidate from one spot to another. Just ask Vice President Kamala Harris, who won’t even answer voters’ questions unless they’ve been pre-approved.

Then, they started attacking Trump over why he wanted to visit McDonald’s in the first place. According to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Trump went because he wanted to mock the people who actually work in the fast food industry.

“They’re not trying to empathize with us. They are making fun of us,” she told voters at a United Auto Workers union event Monday. “Donald Trump thinks that people who work at McDonald’s are a joke.”

Actually, the only people who managed to show disdain for Americans working lower-class jobs were Ocasio-Cortez’s leftist allies. A post on X from the liberal website Palmer Report sums up the Left’s feelings well: “The real proof of Donald Trump’s dementia is that he let his handlers do this to him today without pushing back about what a humiliating idea it was.” 

Hear that, fast food employees? Your job is “humiliating” and unworthy of a campaign highlight. 

Apparently, Harris also thought her alleged stint at a McDonald’s wasn’t worth mentioning on her resume or on her first few job applications after college. In fact, Harris seemed only to begin mentioning her work as a fast food employee when she realized there would be political value in it. It is still not clear whether Harris actually did work at a McDonald’s, or whether she, like her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), is just a “knucklehead” with a pathological case of dishonesty.

To any honest person, Trump’s interactions with voters and McDonald’s employees during his visit made his motivations clear enough. Yes, he went to troll Harris. However, he also went to express his appreciation for the millions of hardworking Americans trying to build a good life for themselves with whatever kind of job they can get. 

“It’s a good job, isn’t it? Not bad, right?” Trump said to the McDonald’s employee who taught him how to work the frying station.

“I love jobs. I love to see good jobs,” he added when asked why he thought it was important for him to make the campaign stop.


Trump was pointing to a message much bigger than McDonald’s or even this election cycle. It’s one Americans desperately need to hear: There is dignity in all labor, and every worker is valuable and worth fighting for. 

By attacking Trump’s McDonald’s visit, the Left is attacking that message as well. No wonder the working class is fleeing the Democratic Party in droves.

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