Democrats lie about Trump Pennsylvania rally


For Democratic politicians, ordinary life is whatever helps their campaigns. At present, absurd dementia diagnoses for former President Donald Trump are constituting their endeavoring.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s rapid response page for her campaign, Kamala HQ, has worked hard to portray Trump in equal mental decline to President Joe Biden. Similar to the Republicans of months previously, they are trying to reveal to the public a presidential candidate who is “confused, lost, and wandering off.”

Except in the case of Trump, these claims are unjustifiable, especially in comparison to Biden’s actual cognitive difficulty.

However unbelievable, Trump’s supposed senility is the new everyday reality the Democratic Party is pushing. The former president’s town hall earlier this week has served as fodder for the Harris campaign’s counterattacks. 

After two medical emergencies stopped the flow of questions during the event, Trump decided to cool off the atmosphere with music and call it a day.

“How about this? We’ll play ‘Y.M.C.A.,’ and we’ll go home,” Trump said.

While many on Trump’s side saw success in the candidate’s unusual decision (even if applauding it somewhat facetiously), Harris’s team seized the opportunity to frame the occasion dishonestly. Not only did they leave out the medical circumstances, but they circulated the idea that Trump was, randomly, “lost, confused, and frozen onstage.”

Since then, Harris herself has perpetuated it, tweeting, “Hope he’s okay.” Legacy media, such as the New York Times, have spun the town hall story as “odd” and focused on Trump’s “swaying,” dotting it with their usual negative connotations.

Though disappointing, the move is not surprising from either party, and it is not distinct from Democratic efforts to distort Trump’s health: It is just another example of them shaping ordinary life to the party’s needs. The best, most lasting example is Harris’s Child Tax Credit proposal. Democrats back it as a sort of “anti-poverty plan,” which, on its face, it is. However, the plan outright promotes non-working and penalizes marriage by guaranteeing a very large credit for single, unemployed parents.

It is honorable to want to lift children out of poverty, but Harris’s idea is more of a brief lift-and-drop. Children and parents will not benefit from long-term, avoidable non-working in ways more than financial. Both education and career trajectory are affected by a parent’s working status in terms of experiences and economic mobility. 


As with the mental decline with which Democrats are trying to smear Trump, the concept for Harris’s CTC stems from a stubborn fixation on a false reality. It is near-undeniable that family structure is a major determinant of children’s economic outcomes, and more particularly, that single parenting is linked to higher rates of child poverty and violent crime. 

The Harris campaign avoids the facts of this “root cause” and instead twists reality in favor of optics. As much as she claims to want to solve these problems of poverty, the anti-family factors that contribute to them sustain the Democratic vision.

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