Harris’s bet that Trump’s character turns off voters not supported in the polls


Vice President Kamala Harris has made former President Donald Trump‘s character a key issue in her pitch to voters, but for many, it does not appear to be an issue.

A CBS News-YouGov poll shows that a majority of registered voters like how Harris handles herself personally, 52%-48%, and a significant majority dislikes how Trump handles himself personally, 64%-36%. Despite a majority of voters not liking how he handles himself, Trump still has significant support from that group.

Of those who dislike how Trump handles himself, 21% said they would vote for him, compared to only 5% of those who said they dislike how Harris handles herself, saying they will vote for her.

When voters were asked if they think either candidate is insulting when they talk, a majority said they do not think Harris is insulting, 61%-39%, and most said they do find Trump insulting, 69%-31%. Despite finding him insulting, 28% of those voters said they would vote for Trump, while only 5% of those who found Harris insulting said they would vote for her.

Harris, and President Joe Biden before her, have tried to use Trump’s character as an issue in the campaign, including the claims that he is a threat to democracy. The rallying call by Harris that “we’re not going back” is in part an attack on the way Trump conducted himself while president.

While Trump has fans who like his style, the poll showed that those who say they will vote for the former president do not find personal quantities as important as Harris voters do when determining their vote.

The survey showed 72% of Harris voters say personal qualities are very important to their voter, while only 39% of Trump voters list it as very important. For policy, 91% of Trump voters list that are very important to their vote, compared to 84% of Harris voters who list it as important to deciding their vote.


The overall results of the poll, released earlier this week, showed Harris leading Trump, 52%-48%, nationally, but the race in the swing states and nationally remains close between the two.

While voting has begun in some states, Harris and Trump are campaigning across the key battlegrounds, with Election Day being 41 days away.

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