Harris is a coward, but Trump should debate her on CNN anyway


Vice President Kamala Harris is a coward who only wants to do debates that have left-leaning moderators. Former President Donald Trump should agree to debate her again anyway.

Harris wants no part of a debate on Fox News, the only debate for which moderators would not be in the tank for her election campaign. Instead, Harris is demanding Trump debate her on CNN despite the fact that CNN has already hosted the first presidential debate between Trump and President Joe Biden. This would ensure that left-leaning moderators for every debate, with ABC hosting the previous debate between Trump and Harris and CBS hosting the vice presidential debate.

Harris is doing this because she knows she can’t hold up to any real scrutiny. She was aided in her debate with Trump by two biased moderators — one of whom, Linsey Davis, has compared Trump to the Ku Klux Klan — who “fact-checked” Trump all night while letting Harris’s lies slide. With moderators antagonizing Trump all night, Harris stuck to her scripted answers that helped her avoid having to think on her feet and respond extemporaneously, at which she has proven to be terrible.

Harris is a coward. There is no question about that. Trump should say exactly that on a debate stage, even if it is on CNN. Harris is a terrible debater, which she has shown since her failed 2020 presidential run. Just as she did in the first debate, Harris will refuse to answer questions, stick to her scripted answers about how she “grew up a middle-class kid,” and rely on moderators to do the actual debating for her. For a competent and disciplined politician, debating Harris would be an easy win.


Trump botched the ABC debate, though. He allowed himself to get flustered by the 3-on-1 debate with the moderators when he should have been expecting it. He got baited into talking about people leaving his rallies early instead of making it a point that Harris was talking about his rallies instead of voters’ concerns about inflation and the economy. Even if Trump didn’t appear to lose ground in the race despite “losing” the debate, he could certainly make gains by exposing Harris as the empty suit who can’t decide where she stands on major issues and can’t answer questions without defaulting to her memorized scripts.

If Trump decides to be disciplined and focused for a debate instead of protecting his fragile ego, he could sink Harris’s campaign similar to how he sunk Biden’s in the first debate. Harris is barely a step above Biden’s debate level, only because she isn’t an incoherent 81-year-old. If Trump can’t beat her in a debate, then he doesn’t deserve to win this race anyway.

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