Harris would fill her administration with anti-Israel radicals


Polling shows that Vice President Kamala Harris maintains a strong lead over former President Donald Trump among Jewish voters. The former president had something to say about that: “Any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat … should have their head examined.” 

He’s right. Frankly, they should get a full psychiatric evaluation. Kowtowing and cozying up to people who seek the destruction of their people and the Jewish state of Israel is an exhibition of suicidal tendencies. 

Consider the radical ideologues and anti-Israel progressives who would likely fill a Harris administration.

The Harris campaign reportedly told Arab American leaders in Michigan that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is a top contender for U.S. attorney general. In 2013, Ellison dined at a private dinner alongside Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, who compared Jews to termites, trumpeted Hitler as “a very great man,” and called Judaism “a dirty religion.” What’s more, Ellison worked for Farrakhan in the months before the racist figure addressed the 1995 Million Man March. 

Ellison’s long-standing relationship with the Council on American Islamic Relations is also alarming. CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group the United Arab Emirates has designated a terrorist organization. Prior to his role as Minnesota’s attorney general, Ellison was a frequent guest at the organization’s events and often spoke on behalf of it, falsely lauding its support for “civil rights.”

Now imagine U.S. Attorney General Ellison at the helm of the Justice Department in our nation’s capital. His cozy ties with Islamists would imperil Jewish safety, with pro-Hamas agitators suddenly finding themselves backed by the top government legal ally. Meanwhile, Jewish American groups and Israel-related charities would be sitting ducks, wide open to attacks, scrutiny, and crippling sanctions. 

To make matters worse, Phil Gordon, Harris’s current national security adviser, would likely occupy a top security post should the Democrats triumph in the election. Gordon has strong connections to the coterie of Washington officials now suspected of being Iranian-regime spies. He is also closely tied to Pentagon policy adviser Ariane Tabatabai, who is under investigation for peddling an Iranian persuasion campaign from inside our nation’s defense establishment. The fox is already in the henhouse. 

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (D-NY), in a letter to Harris obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, are demanding answers about Gordon’s friendship with Tabatabai and his association with Iranian influence organizations, which include the National Iranian American Council and the Iran Experts Initiative. 

Shockingly, even the Harris campaign’s liaison to the Jewish community, Ilan Goldenberg, has a track record of anti-Israel stances. He backed the infamous 2016 U.N. Resolution 2334, which opposed Israeli sovereignty over the Western Wall. And he threw his weight behind the disastrous Iran deal and even pushed to restore funding to the Hamas-allied United Nations Relief and Works Agency. 

Most recently, while working at the National Security Council, Goldenberg played a central role in encouraging the Biden administration to levy unprecedented sanctions against Jews living in Judea and Samaria. 

Goldenberg’s views align with the anti-Zionist, antisemitic attitudes of Harris’s director of Arab American outreach, Brenda Abdellal, who once complained that “Zionists” are “controlling” U.S. politics. 

Harris surrounding herself with the likes of Ellison, Gordon, Goldenberg, and Abdellal, and even considering them for Cabinet positions, should send a chill down the spine of every Jewish American. These aren’t just a few bad apples — they’re the sample of the whole rotten orchard. If Harris packs her administration with more of these anti-Israel ideologues, the floodgates of antisemitism we’ve seen on campus and in cities across the entire country will burst wide open. 

Personnel is policy, and Jewish voters better think long and hard about Harris’s chummy relationships with these extremists before stepping into the voting booth on Nov. 5.


Irit Tratt is an independent writer and a co-chair of the Trump47 Women’s Leadership Coalition. Follow her on Twitter/X @Irit_Tratt

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