Teacher pushes gay pornography on middle schoolers, NBC provides smokescreen for it


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Teacher pushes gay pornography on middle schoolers, NBC provides smokescreen for it

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If a teacher is trying to put pornography before young teenagers, that adult is doing something very bad — and he or she should be stopped from doing so, and maybe prosecuted. If a major institution tries to fool the public into believing that the pornography the teachers are peddling to children is just fine for their children, then the major institution is complicit in the corruption of minors, at least.

Middle School teacher Sarah Bonner is the one peddling pornography to teenagers, and NBC News is the institution deceiving the public about it.

Trying to sneak gay pornography past adults into the hands of teenagers is the sort of thing you might call grooming, and so it’s perfectly understandable that parents called the police on Bonner for this behavior.

Here’s the story as it pertains to Bonner: On a Monday in March, she held a “book tasting,” leaving out a bunch of books on different topics for middle school children. One of them was a book titled This Book Is Gay.

This Book Is Gay is a pornographic book with detailed descriptions of sex, including perversion, such as eating feces. (I’m not going to include the worst elements because it’s evil to show people pornography.) It has a chapter titled “The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex” and a guide on how to meet strangers for sex on sex apps. Any decent person agrees that no adult should give this book to a student or especially a middle school student.

But for some reason, Bonner thought it was a good idea to include this porn-book encouraging stranger-sex in her middle-school book tasting. At best, this is a total abandonment of all decency and common sense in pursuit of an ideological culture war. At worst, the teacher is grooming children — introducing them to totally inappropriate sexual material in order to destroy their natural aversion to perversion and reticence about sex.

That’s why parents called the police on this teacher.

The school suspended her to investigate the story, which was also appropriate. She resigned, thankfully.

So the parents and the administration reacted appropriately. NBC News, however, came in to lie to its readers, promote the porn-book, and defend the teacher.

For starters, NBC News tweeted out its story on this with a picture of Bonner holding up a different, basically unobjectionable book.

Second, look how the NBC reporter describes this pornographic book:

“It’s a bestselling nonfiction book that’s billed by its publisher as an entertaining and informative ‘instruction manual’ for anyone coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.”

That’s it. Throughout a 950-word story about this book reporter totally omits the pornographic, totally age-inappropriate, and dangerous material in the book.


It’s normal for a news outlet to take the Left’s side in culture war issues, but in this case, it’s something far worse. A teacher is peddling gay pornography to middle-school children, and the reporter is misleading readers into thinking the book is not at all pornographic.

Lying to adults to protect the people peddling pornography to their children isn’t just bad journalism. It’s depraved.

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