Georgia’s election reforms made it easier to vote


Election 2022 What to Watch
FILE – Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during an interview on Oct. 28, 2021, in Atlanta. Georgia takes center stage in Tuesday’s primary elections as Gov. Brian Kemp and Raffensperger try to fight back challengers endorsed by Donald Trump, who is seeking revenge for his 2020 election defeat in the state. (AP Photo/Ron Harris, File) Ron Harris/AP

Georgia’s election reforms made it easier to vote

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When Georgia legislators passed their post-COVID election reform bill, Democrats staged a public freakout. They alleged that this was a “Jim Crow” voter suppression law and that Republicans were making it harder for people to exercise their right to vote.

This was, of course, nonsense, but the media dutifully reported Democrats’ false claims as if they were fact. This lack of integrity had serious consequences for Georgia. But this week, there is evidence that their claims were bogus.


After tallying the votes and conducting the county-by-county audit required by state law, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified Georgia’s Nov. 8 election results on Tuesday. They show that 3.95 million Georgians voted — an all-time record for a midterm election and nearly 80% of the 2020 presidential turnout. This compares quite favorably to the drop-off in turnout in other states, such as New York, where turnout this year was only 66% of 2020, and California, where it was only 53%. Georgia voters are clearly very engaged and participate in midterm elections in large numbers. That is a very good thing and a credit to the state’s governance.

What’s more, the election was run so smoothly and efficiently that Raffensperger was able to deliver the certification early, as he announced in a press release Tuesday.

Democrat Stacey Abrams, the election denier who just lost her second Georgia governor’s race this month, has been put in an awkward position. She has never admitted that she lost her race in 2018, and she claims that voter suppression was the reason for the outcome in both years.

Despite record turnout, Abrams has been forced to maintain that Georgians’ votes are being suppressed. Her argument has been that record turnout does not necessarily rule out vote suppression. On any meaningful scale, this argument is both implausible and ridiculous. The high vote totals most certainly do prove that people had ample voting access, in spite of (or perhaps thanks to) the election reform bill that was so heavily criticized. In fact, these results suggest the law made it easier for most people to vote, not harder, just as Republicans argued at the time.

The lies that Abrams, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), President Joe Biden, and other Democrats told about Georgia’s election reform law reflect poorly upon their sincerity because they knew they were not telling the truth. No claim is too wild or implausible for Democrats to make if they have a chance of raising racial tensions and scaring their voters to the polls. Unfortunately, their falsehoods on this matter cost Atlanta baseball’s All-Star game.


Abrams has now lost two elections and one federal lawsuit alleging problems with Georgia’s voting. Her second loss is by a margin of nearly 300,000 votes, up from her 55,000-vote loss in 2018. Maybe, instead of blaming the phantom of voter suppression, she should accept that Georgian voters are not that into her.

Meanwhile, voters taking part in the Dec. 6 runoff between Republican Herschel Walker and Warnock can feel confident that their votes will count and the result will be decided fairly, one way or the other.

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