After town hall on CNN, Trump makes 2023, 2016 again


011117 Scarry Trump CNN
CNN accused Trump of conflating its own more general reporting on the documents with BuzzFeed’s reporting. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz) Alan Diaz

After town hall on CNN, Trump makes 2023, 2016 again

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Former President Donald Trumps town hall Wednesday night on CNN caused quite an outrage among many left-wing politicians, pundits, talk show hosts, and journalists. As expected, most were not supportive of the event, with many, if not all, highly critical of it. Unsurprisingly, the usual suspects had the usual negative comments about the 45th president but also featured the typical media meltdown associated with the so-called Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was laughable commentary that felt like it was 2016 instead of 2023.

Consider some of the hyperbolic, hysterical comments on social media.


Unhinged co-host of The View, Joy Behar, was critical of Trump, CNN, the crowd, the host, and nearly everyone who went against her political beliefs. She ranted and raved on Twitter during the entire event. Moreover, her ignorance was fully on display as she incorrectly spelled Kaitlan Collins’s first name in her tweets.

“The CNN thing is a joke,” Behar tweeted. “The audience is stacked with his cult. Kaitlin is good, but it’s impossible to deal with this pathological liar.”

“CNN should be embarrassed by this audience. They are enthralled with him, and that emboldens him,” Behar wrote in another tweet. “It’s like encouraging a toddler to behave badly. #Cult.”

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was so upset at Trump’s town hall that he couldn’t control himself and cursed on-air during the broadcast of his show.

“The audience laughed and dismissed cops getting the s*** kicked out of them on Jan. 6, beaten up, over and over again,” Scarborough said. “Calling a cop a thug who actually was trying to stop people from the House floor from being killed. I just could go on and on.”

Scarborough also claimed it was the worst thing he had seen since Jan. 6 — which many on the Left claimed was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. So, in some circles of irrational thought and behavior, it could be argued that last night’s town hall was worse than the two worst attacks on our country in its history.


Moreover, it’s rich of Scarborough to pretend about the welfare of police officers after he said nothing of the sort as police officers were shot, killed, attacked, and assaulted in 2020 during the George Floyd riots. Additionally, claiming that the politicians’ lives on Jan. 6 were at risk of being murdered is arguably an embellishment, and it is this kind of hyperbolic misinformation that the media repeated during the entire Trump presidency with very little done to hold them accountable for their deceit.

There are far too many other tweets of rage and Trump Derangement Syndrome on social media to list here. However, what happened on Wednesday night, and the subsequent reaction on Thursday and Friday is a microcosm of the joint propaganda campaign of the Left to try to delegitimize and discredit Donald Trump. They spent more time demonizing, vilifying, criticizing, and analyzing what Trump said on Wednesday night than they did for all of Biden’s words as president since Jan. 20, 2021. It was a disgrace and only appeals to a rabid political base whose sole existence is predicated on hating Donald Trump.

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