Hugo Gurdon breaks down why the media won’t report on Hunter Biden


Hugo Gurdon on Fox Business

Hugo Gurdon breaks down why the media won’t report on Hunter Biden

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The Washington Examiner’s Hugo Gurdon blasted mainstream media outlets for their bias in favor of President Joe Biden.

Gurdon appeared on Fox News’ Varney & Co. Thursday to question why outlets opt out of publishing stories surrounding Hunter Biden. Meanwhile, those who try, notably a reporter from the New York Post who asked many questions about the president’s second-born son, are punished by being excluded from White House press events. The editor-in-chief suggested the lack of coverage is tied to a “culpable incuriosity” by members of the media.


“The news media is on the side of Democrats and will try to distort things,” Gurdon said. “Whether this is, in the long-term, sure, the media want to help Democrats win elections, so you could say it is election interference. I think I would put it somewhat lower than that and say it’s part of the constant undertow of bias in most of the media.”

Hugo Gurdon on Varney & Co.

When it comes to the White House’s new dictum announced Friday, which promised that reporters who do not act in a “professional manner” will be expelled, Gurdon raised a red flag. The announcement appeared to be an issue that directly affects the First Amendment right to a free press.


“There is always the danger reporters will sort of act up and not be professional, but there’s an equal danger, at least, that the administration will decide reporters are asking awkward questions and somehow not acting professionally,” Gurdon said. He pointed out that poll after poll has demonstrated that the American public is interested in issues that the Biden administration has struggled to address, such as the economy and immigration.

Social media platform Twitter has used its “Community Notes” function to fact-check the Biden administration’s messaging in recent months.

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