Biden’s border crisis a ‘slap in the face’ to citizens


A Border Patrol agent processes asylum-seekers at a gap in the US-Mexico border fence near Somerton, Arizona, on December 26, 2022. – The United States is seeing a rising number of asylum-seekers turning themselves in at the US-Mexico border in anticipation of the lifting of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy used to bar migrants from entering the US. (Photo by Rebecca NOBLE / AFP) (Photo by REBECCA NOBLE/AFP via Getty Images) REBECCA NOBLE/AFP via Getty Images

Biden’s border crisis a ‘slap in the face’ to citizens

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President Joe Biden’s border crisis is about to go from bad to worse and his Democratic constituents have already had enough.

“It is a slap in the face that we as citizens of the United States of America do not have the resources and support but you’re gonna bring people who are not citizens here in our community in our buildings that we pay taxes for that you took away from us?” Chicago resident Natasha Dunn said at a rally last week protesting plans to house migrants in a recently shuttered high school.


“That is completely unacceptable,” Dunn added. “We are in a humanitarian crisis right now. So black people in Chicago are bleeding on the streets!”

Before Biden became president, fewer than 75,000 migrants were being arrested for illegally crossing the southern border every month, and President Donald Trump was returning the vast majority of them back to Mexico.

But Biden began dismantling our nation’s immigration enforcement statement on his first day in office, and illegal border crossings immediately skyrocketed. After just two months as president, arrests for illegal crossing had risen to about 175,000, many of them released to go wherever they wanted in the United States. By December 2022, that number had reached 252,000 arrests a month, with 200,000 migrants released into the country.

Some of those migrants have since ended up in Illinois, where they are often housed temporarily in police stations. The plan to move migrants into abandoned high schools is designed to remove some of that strain on law enforcement.

Separately, an Illinois program designed to provide healthcare to migrants was originally supposed to cost the taxpayers of Illinois just $220 million this year. Now the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services estimates the cost of the program will exceed $1.1 billion.


“We’re going to be so inundated in Illinois, it’s going to eat up our entire healthcare budget- crowding out all those citizens (of) this quality that they’re deserving,” state Sen. Dave Syverson said.

Biden already has the lowest approval rating of his presidency at just 36%, and immigration has always been one of his weakest issues. As more and more Democratic voters are forced to make sacrifices for Biden’s border crisis, expect both the numbers to get worse.

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