Comer shrugs off attack by Democratic-aligned group flying banner over Kentucky Derby


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The Democratic-aligned activist group <u><a href=””>Congressional Integrity Project</a></u> flew a helicopter over the Kentucky Derby with a banner calling for an investigation into top House Republican <u><a href=””>James Comer</a></u> (R-KY) and charges of influence peddling and corruption. Congressional Integrity Project

Comer shrugs off attack by Democratic-aligned group flying banner over Kentucky Derby

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Rep. James Comer (R-KY) shrugged off attacks by the Democratic-aligned activist group Congressional Integrity Project flying a helicopter over the Kentucky Derby with a banner calling for an investigation into the influential House Republican.

The banner, which flew over Churchill Downs as thousands of people gathered to watch the annual horse race, simply displayed a website URL: The website directs users to an article in the Louisville Courier-Journal reporting on a letter requesting an investigation into the Republican leader for his actions while running for governor in 2015.


During that campaign, Comer allegedly obtained and distributed leaked emails to intimidate a former girlfriend as well as his political opponent, prompting an outcry from critics who say he must be investigated for his possible involvement. The allegations stem from a profile piece on the congressman in the New York Times in March that detailed the scheme.

“Comer all but admitted to the New York Times that his gubernatorial campaign had a hand in stealing a server, hacking emails, and leaking them,” the group wrote in a statement. “His constituents deserve to know who their Representative really is. Comer has proven himself to be vindictive and driven by revenge, even in his role as chair of the House Oversight Committee, launching baseless investigations designed to hurt President Biden, and his family, while ignoring the issues families care about.”

Comer responded to the helicopter banner on Saturday afternoon, claiming the stunt would actually do more to help his reputation rather than harm it.

“This desperate political stunt by the Bidens is helping me so much politically in Kentucky today, I wonder if I will be required to list it as an in-kind donation from China on my next campaign finance report?” he said in a tweet. “We on [the Oversight Committee] will hold any politician, any government official, any corrupt attorney, or any Biden accountable for both public corruption and intimidating whistleblowers.”

The tweet referenced Comer’s latest investigation regarding unclassified records detailing an alleged “criminal scheme” between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national during the Obama administration.

Comer issued the subpoena in conjunction with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Wednesday, demanding access to an FBI-generated FD-1023 form they say details an exchange of money between Biden and a foreign national that may have influenced U.S. policy decisions. The two Republicans were tipped off about the document’s existence by a whistleblower, although it remains unclear what wrongdoing Biden is being accused of conducting.


The subpoena is the latest development in House Republicans’ investigations into the president’s family and their business dealings, which became a focal point of their agenda after taking control of the lower chamber earlier this year.

The Oversight Committee has made that a high priority in recent months, with Comer leading investigations into the Bidens’ business dealings “to determine if the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors, if President Biden is compromised, and if there is a national security threat,” he wrote.

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