Hunter Biden laptop letter’s Joe Biden ‘talking point’ strategy confirmed in email to John Brennan


John Brennan
John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), testifies during a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, June 16, 2016. (Pete Marovich/Bloomberg)

Hunter Biden laptop letter’s Joe Biden ‘talking point’ strategy confirmed in email to John Brennan

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An email to John Brennan has been published imploring him to sign the Hunter Biden laptop letter to help give Joe Biden a “talking point” against then-President Donald Trump, confirming Washington Examiner revelations earlier this week.

On Thursday, the Washington Examiner revealed that Mike Morell sent a recruitment email, along with a draft of the letter, to intelligence officials days ahead of the second presidential debate between Biden and Trump. In the letter, Morell admitted that one purpose of the letter was to give Biden an opportunity to rebut Trump should discussion about the “laptop from hell” come up.


After the Washington Examiner published its story on Thursday, Just The News revealed a separate “talking point” email that Morell, a former acting CIA director under former President Barack Obama, sent to Brennan, Obama’s final CIA director, the morning of Oct. 19, hours before the letter was published that evening by Politico. 

The Brennan email revealed other former top national security officials Morell was attempting to recruit, at least one of whom did sign the letter, but included others who did not publicly add their names to it.

More than 50 ex-intelligence officials subsequently signed the laptop letter, which was co-authored by Morell and former senior CIA operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos, and helped contribute to the baseless narrative that the Hunter Biden laptop was nothing more than Russian disinformation.

Morell told Brennan that he was “trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue.” Brennan told Morell to “add my name to the list” and called it a “good initiative.”

Brennan is slated to testify in front of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on May 11.

Morell told Brennan he would “be adding” a number of other officials to the letter that day, but only one of the names he listed, former Obama CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, was definitely a public signatory.

The other names Morell listed as signers he would be adding did not materialize as among the 51 names: Lisa Monaco, a Homeland Security adviser under Obama and now the deputy attorney general under Attorney General Merrick Garland; Sue Gordon, the principal deputy director of national intelligence under Trump until August 2019; Jeh Johnson, Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security; and Mike Rogers, a retired four-star admiral of the U.S. Navy who was director of the National Security Agency from 2014 to 2018 under Obama and Trump.

Morell said he was also adding “George” to the list that day, a likely reference to former national intelligence officer Roger Zane George, who signed the letter.

Morell was “working on adding” three other Republican officials to the letter: Dan Coats, a former director of national intelligence under Trump from 2017 to 2019; Tom Bossert, a Homeland Security adviser under Trump from 2017 into 2018; and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), a former congressman who chaired the House Intelligence Committee from 2011 to 2015.

The trio is not listed as signing the letter.

The published laptop letter did say that “nine additional former IC officers who cannot be named publicly also support the arguments in this letter,” but it is unclear who those anonymous supporters were.

The new revelations come on the heels of bombshell House testimony by Morell, the former Obama CIA acting director who said now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken “triggered” him to write the October 2020 laptop letter.

Morell had also sent an email the evening prior, on Oct. 18, to a number of former intelligence officials. The email, first reported by the Washington Examiner, was subsequently published in full by Breitbart. The recipients of the email, which was sent by Morell on behalf of himself and Polymeropoulos and included a draft of the laptop letter, were blind carbon copied “to protect folks’ privacy.”

“Marc and I drafted the attached because we believe the Russians were involved in some way in the Hunter Biden email issue and because we think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this week’s debate and we want to give the VP a talking point to use in response,” Morell wrote.

Morell told the CIA officers he’d “like to find a way to highlight your Russia work” when listing their names on the letter. The email was signed “Michael and Marc.”


Morell testified to the House this year that one of the two reasons he helped put the letter together was to help Joe Biden “win the election” against Trump.

Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos, a cyber forensics expert and former Secret Service agent, conducted an examination of the laptop for the Washington Examiner last year, concluding that “my analysis revealed there is a 100% certainty that Robert Hunter Biden was the only person responsible for the activity on this hard drive and all of its stored data” and that “the hard drive is authentic.”

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