McCarthy ups pressure on Biden to invite Netanyahu to the White House


Israel US McCarthy
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, speaks as U.S. Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, right, reacts during a session of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament in Jerusalem, Monday, May 1, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

McCarthy ups pressure on Biden to invite Netanyahu to the White House

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) continued to pressure President Joe Biden to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House at a news conference in Israel after speaking at the Knesset.

“I expect the White House to invite the prime minister over for a meeting, especially with the 75th anniversary,” he said.


McCarthy led a bipartisan delegation, including Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), to Israel as it celebrates 75 years since its founding in 1948. This also marks McCarthy’s first international trip as House speaker. McCarthy became the second House speaker to address the Knesset after former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) did so in 1998 to mark Israel’s 50th anniversary.

McCarthy previously said that if Netanyahu was not invited to the White House, he would ask the prime minister to address Congress while on his trip and reiterated his stance during the conference.

“I think two great nations that have strong bonds should continue and work together. I’ve invited [Israel] President [Isaac] Herzog to come and give a joint session inside Congress. We’re working out the day that could come very soon. Hopefully this summer,” he said.

He also said he would work with Democrats to invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

“I would invite and set with Hakeem Jeffries, who is the Democratic leader, and we would do it in a bipartisan way,” McCarthy said. “That we can sit down with the prime minister, discuss the region, discuss the challenges and ways that we can continue to build our bond stronger together.”

Biden and Netanyahu have been at odds over Netanyahu’s attempt to overhaul Israel’s judicial system. Biden has not issued a customary White House invitation to Netanyahu after he returned to power last year as the head of the nation’s conservative government.

Also of topic during the news conference: the debt limit.

When asked about any conversations with Biden on raising the debt ceiling, McCarthy said, “The president still hasn’t talked to me. I’m a little like Netanyahu.”

Biden has refused to meet with McCarthy over raising the debt limit, arguing that Congress should pass a “clean” debt limit bill. Meanwhile, the House GOP passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act last month, which would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion or until March 31, 2024, whichever comes first. If lawmakers fail to reach an agreement, the United States will default on its loans, triggering a global economic crisis. But Hoyer was adamant that won’t happen.

“I think it’s important to say the speaker spoke on Wall Street. He said that defaulting on our debt is not an option,” Hoyer said. “I think we have almost universal agreement on that proposition. I believe America will not default on its debt.”

During his address to the Knesset, McCarthy reiterated America’s support for Israel, a key ally since the nation’s creation. He followed the speech by signing a joint declaration and pledge of friendship with his Israeli counterpart, Amir Ohana, at the beginning of the conference.


McCarthy wasn’t the only member of Congress to express support for Israel. So did Hoyer. “And all of us, yes, we’re Democrats, and yes, we’re Republicans. But on this issue, we are your friend, your ally, and your fellow in fighting for the values we share,” he said.

“Your democracy is robust. It is sometimes messy. Our democracy is robust and sometimes messy. But together with candor and courage, we will remain the closest of allies, the closest of friends, and beacons of people around the world who seek freedom, justice, and equality,” Hoyer added.

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