Jim Justice says he’s a better Senate choice than Joe Manchin: ‘I’m not compromised’


Jim Justice, Joe Manchin.png
Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) (left) announced his candidacy for Senate on Thursday, April 27, 2023, in an effort to take the seat currently held by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and give Republicans control of the upper chamber. (AP Photos)

Jim Justice says he’s a better Senate choice than Joe Manchin: ‘I’m not compromised’

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Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) has entered the West Virginia Senate race and believes he will beat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) because he is “not compromised.”

While speaking with Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade, Justice said he can do a better job than his Democratic counterpart, despite Manchin’s routine bucking of party lines.

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“At the end of the day, Brian, I’m not compromised,” Justice said. “You know, I absolutely believe that for good or for bad, Joe migrates back too much. You know, in this situation that we have right now, we have got to take control of the Senate. That’s all there is to it. I mean, you can say anything you want, in any way, but it’s time for the Republicans to take control of the Senate.”

Justice has been rated one of the most popular governors in the country, giving Republicans hope he could take Manchin’s seat.

“He just passed the biggest tax cut in West Virginia history, and so he’s got a good record to run on, and I think he’s somebody that people in his state really relate to and like,” Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) told reporters on Thursday in response to Justice’s candidacy announcement.

The West Virginia governor also said he hopes “like crazy” that former President Donald Trump will return to the White House in the 2024 presidential election.


“We had a real president three years ago, did we not?” Justice said. “And today, we’re struggling beyond belief. The whole world is all to pieces. Absolutely I believe that President Trump not only can win, I believe he will win, and it will be a great day for America.”

Justice noted that should he win his Senate bid, his bulldog, Baby Dog, will be a regular companion on his trips to Washington, D.C.

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