Manchin leads vulnerable Senate Democrats in push against a Biden green energy plan


Joe Manchin
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., asks questions during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government hearing to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for the 2024 fiscal year at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday, March 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades)

Manchin leads vulnerable Senate Democrats in push against a Biden green energy plan

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Vulnerable Democrats seeking reelection in 2024 are continuing to distance themselves from President Joe Biden’s more liberal policies, this time supporting the reversal of a bill that halts tariffs on Chinese solar panel manufacturers.

Lawmakers have long called for bringing the solar supply chain to U.S. soil. Senate Democrats facing a tough reelection campaign in purple or red-leaning states are taking a stand against Biden to voice their concerns over the United States losing a manufacturing opportunity to China for the sake of the president’s green energy plan.


This is a tactic that they likely hope will attract centrist Democratic, independent supporters who want to see the U.S. less dependent on China and bring manufacturing jobs back home.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who is leading centrist Democrats on this front, co-sponsored a joint resolution with Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) on Wednesday disapproving of the Biden administration’s tariff pause.

“The United States relies on foreign nations, like China, for far too many of our energy needs, and failing to enforce our existing trade laws undermines the goals of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act to onshore our energy supply chains, including solar,” said Manchin, who is chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“I cannot fathom why the Administration and Congress would consider extending that reliance any longer and am proud to join this CRA to rescind the rule.”

The Senate resolution invokes the Congressional Review Act, which allows Congress to revoke federal regulation. The House is voting on a similar CRA bill on Friday after it advanced out of committee last week. However, the fight against the president may be short-lived — the White House said Biden would veto the repeal should it hit his desk.

After Manchin’s declaration, more Democrats came out in opposition, claiming the tariff pause was unfairly harming the U.S. solar industry.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who is also up for reelection in a rapidly leaning red state, released a statement announcing he would be in favor of repealing the tariff suspension.

“I’ve fought my whole career to stand up for Ohio manufacturers and Ohio workers when they’re forced to compete with cheap, unfairly subsidized imports — I’m not going to stop now,” Brown said. “The Chinese government will do anything to undermine American manufacturing, and would like nothing more than to kill the American solar manufacturing industry before it takes off. Ohio is ready to lead in the manufacturing industries of the future — we must not put that progress at risk.”

“The president got this one wrong,” Brown added.

Another vulnerable lawmaker, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), is still reviewing the bill, according to his spokespeople via Fox News.

Manchin, Tester, and Brown are among a handful of Democrats whose seats are targets for the GOP heading into the 2024 election. Tester and Brown announced they are running for reelection, while Manchin has remained tight-lipped about his political future. He has left the door open to possibly even running for president, perhaps as an independent.


However, after Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) entered the race on Thursday, bringing Republicans one step closer to flipping the Senate, the West Virginia senator offered a confident statement regarding the 2024 election.

“Make no mistake, I will win any race I enter,” Manchin said.

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