New Hampshire’s Sununu is right: Trump is a loser


Chris Sununu
FILE – New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu takes part in a panel discussion during a Republican Governors Association conference on Nov. 15, 2022, in Orlando, Fla. “Any conversation about banning abortion or limiting it nationwide is an electoral disaster for the Republicans,” said Sununu, a Republican who describes himself as “pro-choice” but also signed a law banning abortions in the state after 24 weeks. (AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack, File) Phelan M. Ebenhack/AP

New Hampshire’s Sununu is right: Trump is a loser

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New Hampshire’s uber-popular Republican governor Chris Sununu put it plainly on NBC’s Meet the Press: “Donald Trump is a loser.”

Before that, Sununu had rightly rebuked all the pundits who say the GOP presidential nomination for 2024 is a done deal. “Most folks don’t decide who they are voting for until about three weeks before the election,” he said.

And he is right.

At this time, a year before the 2008 election, Hillary Clinton was the odds-on favorite to be the Democratic nominee. She lost to Barack Obama. At this time, 28 months before the 2016 election, polls showed the idea of Trump as president was a joke. And so on, and on, and on, and on.


Having made the point that voters change their minds, Sununu said Republican voters are going to be increasingly concerned with which potential nominee can actually beat the Democrats in 2024. He said it is absolutely clear that Trump cannot do so. This is evident not only from polls, which show Trump’s approval rating at just 34% of Americans today, but also from actual election results.

“Trump is positioning himself to be a four-time loser in 2024,” Sununu said.

In 2018, under Trump’s lack of leadership, Republicans get absolutely routed in House elections. In 2020, Trump lost to Biden, and Republicans lost the Senate. The latter loss was directly attributable to Trump, as he went out of his way to torpedo two Republican Senate candidates in runoffs in Georgia because he kept telling Republican voters the system was rigged, giving the idea that voting was useless.

Then, in 2022, Republican Senate candidates Trump personally chose lost across the country, while Republican candidates not closely tied to Trump won. Alas, there were too many of the former, and Republicans lost a host of winnable races, while also failing to win anywhere near as many House races as most analysts expected. In essence, Trump dragged down Republicans nationwide, which is why Joe Biden remains in position to do lots of damage without a unified Republican Congress to block him.

“We want fighters that can actually win,” Sununu said of Republican voters.

He said even when Trump was president, Trump failed to deliver, losing again and again on his biggest issues. We did not repeal Obamacare, we did not build a wall across the Mexican border (much less make Mexico pay for it), we did not benefit from trade deals, and we did not stop China from strengthening its position in the world. Plus, Trump added nearly $8 trillion to the national debt, most of it well before the coronavirus pandemic drove up spending.

Not a word Sununu said in those examples is wrong. The vast majority of Americans detest Trump, and he was inept at actually getting legislation passed, even when he lucked into the presidency against Clinton, the most emotionally unattractive Democratic presidential nominee in history.


Repeat: Trump is a loser.

The sooner Republican voters accept this, the better their chances of kicking Democrats out of the Oval Office in the 2024 election. Otherwise, the extremely liberal Democrats will keep running the country, all because Republican voters chose to stamp their feet and insist on nominating Trump, rather than somebody who can actually win.

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