Dear ESPN: Lia Thomas is not a woman


NCAA Transgender Athletes
Pennsylvania’s Lia Thomas looks on as she celebrates senior day with her teammates during a swim meet, Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, in Philadelphia. The NCAA has adopted a sport-by-sport approach for transgender athletes, bringing the organization in line with the U.S. and International Olympic Committees. NCAA rules on transgender athletes returned to the forefront when Penn swimmer Lia Thomas started smashing records this year. (AP Photo/Chris Szagola) Chris Szagola/AP

Dear ESPN: Lia Thomas is not a woman

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A special video aired on ESPN last week was created to recognize women in sports for Women’s History Month. But instead of selecting a woman, ESPN decided to celebrate a man.

Former University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas was honored by the network in yet another example of women, real women, being relegated to a lower tier of the country’s societal hierarchy.


Rather than confine the celebration to real female athletes, the sports network decided to advance a fringe social agenda. It chose a man who suffers from gender dysphoria, a condition that makes men think they are women (and vice versa), instead of an actual woman. It’s offensive, it’s insulting, and it’s degrading to women.

And no matter how hard ESPN executives insist, Lia Thomas is not a woman. He will never be a woman.

He has my sympathy for experiencing such a traumatizing condition that makes him believe he is female. It’s unfortunate — however, it doesn’t change reality. Lia Thomas can change his name, wear makeup, put on dresses, and identify however he wants to. None of it will change the fact that he was born with a penis, does not have ovaries, and has a Y chromosome like all other human males.

ESPN wants to normalize a mental abnormality so that it will be accepted by people in 2033 or 2043. It doesn’t particularly care about winning 2023’s battles.

Initially, the transgender rights movement was to protest against discrimination, which is something everyone should support. But this quest has morphed into a toxic crusade to disregard biology. Declaring pronouns, creating multiple genders, making up words in the English language, or saying men are women are forms of nonsense that have nothing to do with equality or respect. It’s an attempted mass-brainwashing.

So to be clear: Lia Thomas is not a woman and will never be one, no matter how hard ESPN or other extremist activists try to convince people.


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