McConnell demands answers from Biden on nation’s security


Joe Biden,Mitch McConnell
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., looks to President Joe Biden after Biden arrived at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport in Hebron, Ky., Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023. Patrick Semansky/AP

McConnell demands answers from Biden on nation’s security

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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) demanded answers Monday from the Biden administration about a series of unidentified objects that were shot down over the weekend.

McConnell said the public deserved more information on the unidentified objects, which crossed over “sensitive sites” before being shot down over Alaska, Canada, and Michigan, according to a Pentagon memo obtained by CNN.


“What in the world is going on? Has the Biden administration just dialed the sensitivity of our radars all the way up? If so, what are the objects that we are just now noticing for the very first time?” McConnell said on the floor of the Senate. “Are they benign science projects and wayward weather balloons or something more nefarious that we’ve somehow been missing all this time?”

McConnell pressed further on the objects, asking why they were only coming to light now. At least one is believed to be an additional balloon.

“President Biden owes the American people some answers,” McConnell said. “What are we shooting down? Where do they come from? Whether they are hostile or not, is there coherent guidance about when to shoot them down? … How did we get into a position where the greatest nation in the world doesn’t know what is traversing our own airspace?”

The objects were shot down in a joint operation between Canada and the United States. The Pentagon revealed that the item shot down by the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Canadian airspace was a metallic balloon. It was smaller than the alleged Chinese spy balloon shot down over the Atlantic earlier this month.

“We have no further details about the object at this time, including the full scope of its capabilities, its purpose, or its origin,” the Pentagon memo said.


Lawmakers on Capitol Hill were briefed in a private meeting with defense officials about the larger Chinese balloon last week. They are expected to receive information on the weekend’s events in another private meeting Tuesday.

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