Medical watchdog unveils model law for states to protect children from transgender procedures


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Medical watchdog unveils model law for states to protect children from transgender procedures

The medical watchdog organization Do No Harm has unveiled a model legislation designed to stop minors from undergoing sex-change procedures, including taking cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers.

The model bill, the Justice for Adolescent and Child Transitioners Act, bans minors from receiving cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or gender-reassignment surgeries while also creating a recourse for legal damages for minors who are subjected to such procedures.

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“The movement to promote ‘gender affirming care’ is profoundly dangerous and driven by ideology rather than evidence,” Do No Harm Chairman Stanley Goldfarb said in a statement. “At their core, medical professionals who support these efforts are violating the Hippocratic oath directive to ‘do no harm’ by ignoring key consequences of this type of ‘care,’ including the fact that underlying mental health concerns are usually not addressed.”

The model legislation is part of Do No Harm’s new “Protecting Minors from Gender Ideology” initiative, which the group says is an effort to “educate policymakers and the public on the disastrous consequences of the unproven and often harmful practice known as ‘gender-affirming care.'” The group said it worked with doctors, families, and Chloe Cole, an outspoken so-called detransitioner.

The lobbying effort aims to push states to enact the model legislation. In a white paper accompanying the model bill, the group said that it was the duty of state legislatures to “protect children and adolescents from these dangerous and baseless treatments.”

“This draft legislation takes a broad and in-depth approach to achieve the greatest results and minimize the potential for risk of legal challenges attempting to enjoin enforcement of the Act,” the group said. “The hope is that this legislation will protect children and adolescents from future harm and provide justice to those who have already been subjected to these treatments.”

In addition to banning transgender surgeries and hormone drugs, the model legislation would also bar schools from creating or enacting gender transition plans for students while requiring full transparency with parents.


Several school districts across the country have faced lawsuits from parents whose children were “socially transitioned” at school to a newly adopted gender identity. The schools generally did not inform the student’s parents of the transition for some time, including in one case in which the parents of a middle-school-aged girl were not informed of their daughter’s transition until after she attempted suicide on two occasions.

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