Where will Democrats turn in 2024?


Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden looks on as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks at Beech Woods Recreation Center, in Southfield, Mich., Friday, Oct. 16, 2020. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Carolyn Kaster/AP

Where will Democrats turn in 2024?

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At least five stashes of classified materials have been found in President Joe Biden’s possession, both at his Wilmington, Delaware, home and his China-aligned Washington think tank. Legacy media can no longer ignore the story, and even Democratic politicians are now forced to concede that further investigation is prudent.

Biden recently turned 80, and his mental decline has been on full display since he decided to run for president in 2019. Ironically, the president’s best defense may be that he is unable to recall when or why these documents ended up next to his vintage Corvette in a home occupied by his crack-smoking, child-denying son, Hunter.


Biden was the perfect placeholder for the Democrats, radical enough to appease the Squad, wielding enough blue-collar appeal to compete in the Midwest, and boasting a long history of weathervane politics, effortlessly supporting whatever happens to please the Democratic base at any given moment.

A placeholder presidency only works, however, if an heir apparent emerges in short order, and that has not happened. Democrats do not even have a Chad Henne to Biden’s dementia-ridden Patrick Mahomes; their bench is full of players resembling Blake Bortles or late-career Colin Kaepernick.

Corporate journalists far and wide had high hopes for Vice President Kamala Harris. She checked all of their boxes: a female minority with hard-left, albeit hypocritical, policies, considering her history of locking up nonviolent drug offenders. But Harris has failed to gain any popularity nationally, her approval rating is historically low, and her public appearances are riddled with bizarre, nonsensical rambling.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a failed former mayor of a small Midwestern town, has not fared much better. Buttigieg’s tenure in Biden’s Cabinet so far has been highlighted by a monthslong paternity leave and one transportation-related breakdown after another. When was the last time a transportation secretary oversaw supply chain failures, the threat of a rail worker strike, and a temporary shutdown of all domestic air travel?

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has forgotten more about socialism than most Marxists will ever know. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) never recovered from her decision to lie about being a Native American. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s California is drowning in a sea of crime and human feces. Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was forced to resign after he was caught chasing his female staffers around the office. Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams are on losing streaks that would make the Chicago Bears blush. The bench is unbelievably weak.

Anyone who listens to my podcast knows that I am notoriously bad at making predictions, but my hunch is that the Democrats turn to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2024. Not only did Whitmer win reelection easily this past November, in a state won by former President Donald Trump in 2016, but she is extraordinarily far left, perfect for a party sprinting toward the extremes of American politics.

The governor supports all of the leftist talking points of the day, from unrestricted abortion to the obsession over equity and gender, even calling women “people with a period” on TikTok. Sure, Whitmer’s COVID-19 response was equally tyrannical and hypocritical, from her banning of gardening supplies to her husband enjoying a nice day on the lake after motorized boats were prohibited. But apparently, left-wingers have no problem looking past such things.

If Democrats decide they want someone new at the top of the ticket, there’s a good chance Whitmer will be their “person with a period.”


Brady Leonard (@bradyleonard) is a musician, political strategist, and host of The No Gimmicks Podcast.

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