Jimmy Carter found classified documents at his residence at least once: Report


Jimmy Carter
President Jimmy Carter does last-minute work on his “fireside chat” with will be televised in Washington, on Feb. 1, 1978. Carter is expected to call for public support for ratification of the Panama Canal treaty during the broadcast. Harvey Georges/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Jimmy Carter found classified documents at his residence at least once: Report

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Former President Jimmy Carter reportedly found classified materials at his residence in the past, as questions about mishandled classified documents now engulf a former vice president, a former president, and the current president.

The oldest living president found classified documents at his Plains, Georgia, home “on at least one occasion” and returned them to the National Archives, per a report from the Associated Press.


The revelation comes as all former presidents and vice presidents are under scrutiny after it was discovered President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump, and former Vice President Mike Pence had classified materials in their possession from previous administrations. It is unknown how many documents Carter had in his possession and how many times he reported having them.

All other living former presidents, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, have denied being in possession of classified documents. Pence had also denied possession of those types of materials until it was revealed the former vice president’s lawyers found about a dozen classified documents in his home in Indiana on Jan. 16.


The focus on classified documents began when the FBI raided Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago in August 2022 under the suspicion he still had classified materials from his time as president. Reports began to emerge Biden had classified materials from his time as vice president at the Penn Biden Center and his Wilmington, Delaware, home earlier this month. Both Biden and Trump are currently under investigation by special counsels.

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