The global warming cult has come for your coffee


Democratic presidential candidate and former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke wipes sweat from his brow as he speaks at a campaign stop.
Democratic presidential candidate and former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke wipes sweat from his brow as he speaks at a campaign stop. (AP Photo/John Locher)

The global warming cult has come for your coffee

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The Washington Examiner’s Heather Hunter reports today on a study that’s supposedly shows your cup of coffee is killing the planet:

The University of Quebec at Chicoutimi study, published in the publication The Conversation, called for limiting consumption through an “adapted diet” in order to combat the effects of coffee preparation. “Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution,” the four researchers wrote.

And it gets a bit worse:

The study noted that coffee users should avoid using hot water when rinsing their coffee cups to reduce “carbon-intensive electricity production.”

So not only can’t you enjoy your morning Joe, but you’re also expected to drink out of a dirty cup from now on. And shut up, it’s for the planet.


Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re not going to give up your own coffee, of course — and rightly so — but you worry: “Oh dear, all those liberals are about to become even grouchier than usual.” Maybe you’re right, but I suspect not.

Well, they might still get grouchier, but I don’t think they’re going to give up their morning coffee.

The available evidence suggests that most of them don’t really believe in the catastrophic urgency version of climate change that they preach from the rooftops. They just use this millenarian superstition — the one that says we have ten years left before all is lost — to try to control your life and reduce your lifestyle. Before COVID, their little “sky-is-falling” scenario was the best example of using the “big threat” to gain power over the population.

But if they won’t give up their private jets, and if decarbonization programs are the very first thing Democrats cut whenever there’s a budget shortage, then you can bet they’re going to keep drinking that morning coffee.

In any case, if you’re serious about decarbonization, there’s already a solution. It’s called nuclear energy. If you really think the planet is going to die because of excess carbon dioxide, then you get behind the only scalable and consistent carbon-free technology we have, which is nuclear. There is no point in nickel-and-diming people with these small-picture solutions, having them fret over whether they’re using pods or filters. If this has any effect at all, it nibbles around the edges of the problem, accomplishing nothing but filling the faithful with a sense of piety.


I would rather reserve my acts of self-denial and piety for the realm of religion, where they belong. As for climate change, if you think the problem is big and serious, then you need a big and serious answer, not this kind of superstitious penny-ante nonsense.

Keep drinking that coffee. Maybe grab an extra cup — a large one — while you’re filling up your Hummer at the gas station. Take it with heavy cream, none of this soy milk stuff. And if you prefer tea, make sure you prepare it on a gas stove, it’s the only way to cook.

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