An anniversary Joe Biden wants you to forget


Miles of pipe for the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline are stacked in a field near Ripley, Okla.
Miles of pipe for the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline are stacked in a field near Ripley, Okla. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

An anniversary Joe Biden wants you to forget

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With the benefit of hindsight, one wonders whether President Joe Biden would cancel the Keystone XL pipeline again.

Just kidding! Of course he would. When it comes to Biden’s green agenda, the pain is the point. And we know there is no shortage of pain.


The ramifications of his decision on Keystone have been serious. Biden’s own Department of Energy recently admitted the cancellation was a massive job and revenue killer. With the stroke of his pen, Biden destroyed as many as 59,000 jobs and prevented nearly $10 billion in revenue from helping the economy. Keep in mind, these are the numbers the Biden administration is willing to admit. When it comes to energy policy, it is clear this group’s credibility tank is below the “E.”

Right after Biden’s action two years ago, the number of jobs lost due to Biden’s action was an issue of intense debate. Initial reports pointed to a job loss of 11,000, but Biden’s green army in the media rushed to “fact check” that, insinuating that that number was too high. Facebook even marked it as “false news” and “misinformation.” Leading the defense was Biden’s own private jet czar John Kerry, speaking in a way only he can. Kerry kept a straight face when he told the world, “What President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels.”

It may be normal for those who lose their jobs in Washington, D.C., to just flop into a cushy set-up elsewhere — perhaps because they have no specialized skills — but in the real world, the men and women who worked on the Keystone XL pipeline spent a lifetime perfecting the trade that supported them.

Biden and Kerry didn’t care, because they, as the architects of great success stories such as Solyndra, clearly knew better. Unfortunately, the failure didn’t stop there.

Decreased domestic oil production and bureaucratic attacks on other energy infrastructure projects delivered the highest gas prices in our history over the summer. The response from Biden, Kerry, and Co. ranged from cheap deflection, such as blaming it all on Russia, to eco-guilt trips on families with the demand that they run out and buy an electric vehicle. Fun fact: Joe Biden wants you to buy an EV, but he doesn’t own one himself.

If you’re a displaced Keystone XL worker or an unhappy consumer upset about crippling gas prices, the Biden administration suggestion is the same: just get over it.

Had he not taken that action two years ago, the Keystone XL pipeline would either be done or near completion. An estimated 830,000 barrels a day would be safely moving into the U.S. Instead, we see John Kerry in Davos among the “select people” trying to save the planet while gas prices at home are higher than they were at the same time last year.

Joe Biden is counting on the nation’s memory not going back far enough to realize that his climate actions, particularly the cancellation of Keystone, have only delivered disaster. But the truth has a funny way of sticking around, and voters will remember what he did two years ago because they are living every day with the consequences.


Larry Behrens is the communications director for Power The Future, a non-profit that advocates America’s energy workers. You can find him on Twitter @larrybehrens or you can email him: [email protected].

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