Biden’s Coast Guard sends SOS to DeSantis



Biden’s Coast Guard sends SOS to DeSantis

How bad is the Biden border crisis? So bad that White House staffers can’t even keep track of who they are asking to help bail them out of the catastrophe they created.

Last week, after more than 300 Cuban immigrants landed at Dry Tortugas National Park and Key West, Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) declared a state of emergency and activated the Florida National Guard to help manage the situation. He even joked he would send President Joe Biden the bill since it is Biden’s nonexistent immigration enforcement policies that caused the current wave of illegal migration.

The White House did not like this complaint, so the next day, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre attacked DeSantis from the White House briefing room.

“We’ve seen Gov. DeSantis do political stunts. That is how he perceives to fix this issue from Florida. … And so, we have called that out over and over again, and we will continue to do that,” Jean-Pierre said.

Problem is, hours after Jean-Pierre’s attack, DeSantis’s office produced emails from the Coast Guard showing that it was Biden’s Coast Guard that first requested the help from Florida’s National Guard in tracking boats.

The Florida National Guard is not allowed to interdict vessels since that is the Coast Guard’s job. But the Florida National Guard does have aircraft that can track vessels from the air. The Coast Guard reached out to the Florida National Guard and asked for help locating and tracking these vessels so the Coast Guard could then stop them before they reached the shore. All of these vessels are simply too small to show up on radar.

“Part of it is the message that’s gone out to say the rules don’t matter — just show up and you’re fine,” DeSantis said at a press conference. “And you can’t run a country like that.”

DeSantis is exactly right. Biden’s catch-and-release border policies have sent the message worldwide that now is the time to come. And illegal immigrants from around the globe are answering Biden’s call.

We can’t run a country like this … at least not for very long.

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