Matt Schlapp sued by former Herschel Walker aide, alleging sexual assault


CPAC DeSantis
Matt Schlapp, American Conservative Union Chairman introduces Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday, Feb. 26, 2021, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux) John Raoux/AP

Matt Schlapp sued by former Herschel Walker aide, alleging sexual assault

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Conservative operative Matt Schlapp is being sued by a former Herschel Walker aide for $9.4 million in a suit that claims Schlapp sexually assaulted him.

The total also seeks to cover damages incurred as a result of alleged defamatory statements made by Schlapp and his wife around the accusations, Politico reported.

The staffer alleges that Schlapp groped his groin while he was driving the conservative operative back to his hotel. It also alleges Schlapp then invited him up to his room, though the aide declined.

The staffer told the Daily Beast earlier this month that the encounter was “humiliating” and “scarring.”

Schlapp has denied the allegations.


Schlapp tweeted a response from his representation.

“This anonymous complaint demonstrates the accuser’s real agenda, working in concert with Daily Beast to attack and harm the Schlapp family. The complaint is false, and the Schlapp family is suffering unbearable pain and stress due to the false allegation from an anonymous individual,” the statement read. “No family should ever go through this, and the Schlapps and their legal team are assessing counter-lawsuit options.”


Senior officials in the Walker campaign were made aware of the allegations against Schlapp shortly after the incident occurred in October. Walker himself was told of the situation. He offered to put the staffer in contact with legal help, the staffer told Politico. The midlevel staffer was reportedly involved in Republican politics for many years prior to the encounter.

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